
Submitted: Saturday, Nov 05, 2016 at 12:39
ThreadID: 133721 Views:5467 Replies:5 FollowUps:0
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am looking at solar blankets,need advice on pros and cons,korr 150 watt,ridge ryder,150 watt ,or projecta 120 watt, interested in performance and replacement warranties if any problems to make up my mind which way to go,thanks for future answers barry
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Reply By: HKB Electronics - Saturday, Nov 05, 2016 at 16:28

Saturday, Nov 05, 2016 at 16:28
Ridge rider

Good output, poor controller, due to multi rows of panels really only pratical to lay it on a flat surface, ie the ground. will pick up thorns, seeds etc unless you use a tarp under it, other option would be to make some sort of stand. Unit I have had very poor regulator, they supplied a higher spec regulator but found it not much better, I didn't need the onboard regulator as I have an mppt in the car so junked it. Still given the minuses still good value for money if purchased when on special. Shouldn't have an issue with warranty


Prefer these myself, good output, regulator is ok, comes with a stand arrangement. Again will pick up thorns etc but not as much as a problems as with the ridge ryder as you don't need to lay it on the ground. Shouldn't have an issue with warranty.

No experience with the korr.


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AnswerID: 605687

Reply By: tazbaz - Sunday, Nov 06, 2016 at 10:25

Sunday, Nov 06, 2016 at 10:25
G'day Barry
I've got a Ridge Ryder. It works well but I agree with the previous post that the supplied regulator is poor. Actually it is so poor that I left the blanket out one night and there was a reverse current flow (battery back to the blanket) resulting in a very flat battery.
Better to get a seperate MPPT regulator that does not allow reverse current flow. Your vehicle's DC to DC charger may have a solar option using a cheap $8 switchover relay.
I drape the blanket over the vehicle bonnet, roof or tub, avoiding ground contact. The blanket comes with tie down loops.
AnswerID: 605696

Reply By: Bob Y. - Qld - Sunday, Nov 06, 2016 at 14:08

Sunday, Nov 06, 2016 at 14:08
I saw flexible solar panels recently, Barry, at Road Tech Marine, in Hervey Bay. Don't recall the wattage, about 80-120w, but I thought the prices were quite reasonable.

Probably get an idea off their website?


Seen it all, Done it all.
Can't remember most of it.

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AnswerID: 605699

Reply By: rusjd00 - Monday, Nov 07, 2016 at 10:32

Monday, Nov 07, 2016 at 10:32
Hi Barry
I have a Ridge Ryder 150 watt solar blanket and I used it for the first time on a recent trip to the Kimberley. As others have stated the regulator is junk. I replacedmine with a Victron MPPT regulator and also moved it so it is closer to the battery. With the panel laying flat on my bonnet it was easily putting around 10 amps in to my battery's. My Watt meter showing a peak output from the regulator of around145watts. I bought it when there was a 25% off sale at Supercheap so I paid $374.25.
AnswerID: 605708

Reply By: Member - Young Nomads - Friday, Nov 11, 2016 at 15:52

Friday, Nov 11, 2016 at 15:52
Solar panels need ventilation around them to prevent overheating..thereby inefficiency and output.
Whilst flat/ folding solar blankets are compact...they are difficult to keep in full,efficient sun exposure.
We found even our portable solar panels( aluminium cased) couldn't keep up with our power draw.
The nature of the weather where we were, (Leichart Falls etc) didn't give adequate input hours as the heat and daily smattering of clouds every day, impacted greatly on their efficiency...
If you have flat lying panels, you will never get the most out of your panel..
heat+ no air circulation+ difficulty getting the angle to the sun right...bad output/ charging capability.
Projecta are a good brand and they honoured our friends warranty claim on their battery charger.
They shipped a replacement to them, even though they were away at the time.
Hope that helps
AnswerID: 605833

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