Satphone sale
Submitted: Wednesday, Nov 16, 2016 at 15:18
This Thread has been Archived
No connection other than as a customer.
A number of us have had good service from Kevin there. He can provide no BS advice on choice of network.
Reply By: Idler Chris - Wednesday, Nov 16, 2016 at 19:57
Wednesday, Nov 16, 2016 at 19:57
Agree with Sigmund, Kevin and Sue are great to do business with. They know what they are talking about and don't try to BS you.
Reply By: Sat Phone Sales - Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 09:13
Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 09:13
Hi Sigmund, thanks for taking the time to let others know about our sale.
We appreciate customer ffeedback, both praise and critical. Our business is about service and our customers. We listen to what our customers needs are and try to find the solution that best fits, at the best price.
Our November Sale is really taking off, if you're thinking about a Christmas present for friends and family - maybe even yourself :) there is no better time to buy. A gift of safety and communication is one that keeps on giving.
Until the end of November we have the XT-Lite at $699 down from $799, The isatPhone 2 on plan at $840, or $999 outright on pre-paid or casual. The isatPhone Pro is just $849.
We've also got airtime vouchers with twice the validity period of other retailers. It's a great time to pick up a voucher for the season next year. You can buy a voucher now and sit on it until 31.3.17 before applying it to your account. Once our long life vouchers are sold out we'll be offering the regular validity periods. So it's a case of "first in, bets dressed".
Happy to answer any questions here or, as always, we're here to give free and impartial advice on the phone or by email.
Again, thanks for the
feedback guys.
Reply By: Sigmund - Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 09:42
Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 09:42
That's a great price on the IsatPhone Pro - and to get one at all.
Reply By: Sat Phone Sales - Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 10:02
Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 10:02
It is a great deal, but there's very limited supply.
I think this will be the last stock we can get our hands on. Pity as they have been great performers. We use them in our hire fleet.
We're hoping to offer a bundle in the near future including the handset, cradle, earpiece, case, cable and external antenna for, hopefully, below the $1000 mark - don't tell anyone just yet though! :)
Reply By: maurice b - Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 15:06
Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 15:06
Thanks Kevin. It appears the Thuraya xt light purchased outright with external antenna then add the $15 / month plan would be one of my best options to stay connected 365 days. Make calls anytime at 99 cent/min sms at 50c. Best of all just sms my wife/ friends get them to call you back free if there plan/prepaid allows or at cost of a normal mobile call. I currently have the isatphone pro and to stay connected 365 days i have to buy a expensive voucher of prepaid which i wouldn't use. A 365 day connection from Pivotel is $960 plus calls at $1.50. If i just wanted to stay connect for a short period of time i would just keep my isatphone and buy vouchers. Any expressions on this please.
Reply By: Sat Phone Sales - Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 18:53
Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 18:53
Hi Maurice, you should be working for Sat Phone Sales - explained perfectly!
12 months connectivity on lowest Thuraya post-paid plan - $180
Lowest plan on Inmarsat post-paid - $960
Luxury of having a standard mobile no. which is a great spend management tool on either plan.
Pre-Paid doesn't have to be so expensive, presently 6 months of connectivity will set you back $150 (2 x 50 unit vouchers)
The way to run pre-paid is not to worry about retaining unused minutes. Allow your vouchers to expire and add again only when needed. That way laid up time doesn't cost you a cent - only connect when needed.
You can purchase vouchers in advance as the validity period only starts to count down when you apply it to your account through the handset. Bit like taking a jerry can of fuel for your vehicle along with you. Only top up as required.
But, in the case of pre-paid you'll be the one footing the cost of the calls as pre-paid Inmarsat is VERY, and unreasonably expensive, for people with a Telstra connection to call. They can, however, SMS you free of charge from our website.
I hope that's all clear enough. It can seem a bit messy when you first look at it. BTW - if you are thinking of changing to Thuraya November is the time to look at it - $699 instead of $799, and Gumtree or Ebay should see you get $500 - $550 for your IsatPhone Pro.
Follow Up By: Sigmund - Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 19:14
Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 19:14
Last time I did the numbers prepaid Inmarsat on a smallish voucher value was around $2.30 a minute. Iridium was much dearer.
Re connecting to Inmarsat from a landline, Skype is way cheaper than Telstra voice.
Reply By: Sat Phone Sales - Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 18:57
Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 18:57
forum rules say self promotion and advertising in the
Forum is not permitted. I'm not sure if this thread is sailing a little close to the wind. Perhaps one of the moderators might let us know?
Follow Up By: Sigmund - Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 19:37
Friday, Nov 18, 2016 at 19:37
I would hope that straightforward provision of information would be seen as a service.
Lord knows it's hard enough to get clear comparative data in this field.