Saturday, Dec 10, 2016 at 16:11
Hi TomH
It has been difficult to find a reason behind the councils move. There was one complaint from a nearby resident that claimed that freedom campers were causing erosion of
the beach, that’s bit far fetched. That coast line is subject to erosion problems though.
The truth may lie in an incident when I was last there. I recovered an unregistered dog with no ID off the road beside the
camp. After hunting around the area I found a middle aged woman down a very long driveway opposite the
camp who claimed the dog was hers. When I told her I was from the
camp she railed into me about parasites living for nothing all summer in the camps. Tried to tell her that it was time limited and
well policed she would have none of it, I was a parasite. Never mind I had just returned her wandering unregistered dog, she was lecturing me about the law. I wished her no success what so ever and walked off.
It showed at least two things, that she was just an ignorant local but also just how much misinformation is being spread around.
Most Freedom campers (and I should know I’ve been one for more years than I can count) don’t do it avoid the fees, but do it to avoid the petty
campground rules, the packed in like sardines, the ridiculous morning
check out times, the refusal to accept people with pets even though their own animals are running amok in the
camp, the poor facilities that get cleaned whenever they get around to it. But of course there are a few irresponsible freedom campers who bring the whole lot into disrepute. Yes I hate them to. But to call the whole lot free loaders is not only unhelpful, but incorrect. Yes a lot of “free camps” here have a small charge, $6/head/night is common, I’m always willing to pay.
From my experience most of the trouble in
free camp areas is caused by the local kids, probably the offspring of the councillors blaming the campers. As for the rate payers, do they want to part of a wider functioning society or are they happier blaming the rest of the world for their problems and just being plain difficult.
Cheers. Clive.