This maybe the direction in the future for all vehicles

Submitted: Sunday, Jan 29, 2017 at 17:55
ThreadID: 134202 Views:3807 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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This maybe the way most of our new vehicles will be powered in the future, with service centres supplying fuel cell replacement and service for this type of powered vehicle. It may not be practical for all parts of Australia, but with the right support, there is no reason the fuel can't be disturbed around the country, the same way diesel and petrol are delivered now.

Just a bit of info on a new truck set to hit the Canadian, USA and Mexican market in 2020. The Mexican trucks may have to be able to breach a wall though.

Nikola have $3.5 billon in forward orders for these units which come in day and sleeper cabs. Powered by Hydrogen fuel cells and electric motors on all axles, they produce 1000Hp and 2700 nm of torque. They are offering up to and I don't know the details of up to are, but it is $1million of free fuel and 1million miles of free servicing. The range of the trucks is 1900+ Kilometres which would be fine for many operators in Australia and they are building 350 plus refuelling stations in the Americas.

The only downside would be if you ran out of fuel, that could be a drama unless small refuelling containers were available.

Just food for thought, as the only thing that comes out the sooters will be water.

Check the refuel times and fuel consumption figures.

Nikola link
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Reply By: Shaker - Sunday, Jan 29, 2017 at 21:08

Sunday, Jan 29, 2017 at 21:08
I know Honda have been researching hydrogen fuel cells for years & years.

AnswerID: 608068

Reply By: Peter_n_Margaret - Sunday, Jan 29, 2017 at 22:46

Sunday, Jan 29, 2017 at 22:46
We had an Efoy fuel cell in Europe as emergency power in a motorhome for couple of years. The fuel was methanol which it converted to hydrogen.
Great bit of gear.
It produced 90W of battery charging power 24/7 and made about the same noise as a compressor fridge.
It was installed inside the mh under a seat and the only "waste" was a little heat and a little pure water.
Expensive though and they have a limited life, I believe, but it was a very useful gadget.

OKA196 motorhome
AnswerID: 608073

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