Saturday, Jun 05, 2004 at 18:42
Hi Bob
Your point regarding 50 V 100 watts is a very good point, when you need it you want everything going your way.
The situation with the Barrett V Codan is that the guys who own / run Barrett used to work for Codan, they left to set up their own operation and since they started from scratch they were behind the 8 ball in regards to the R & D that lead to the Codan NGT.
My understanding is an issue of patent's that now won't allow them to lift to the NGT type model.
This leads to the issue that they can only produce what is unprotected in the market and so the Barrett is said to be equivilent to the latter 8 series Codans produced 8 to 10 years ago, hence 8 to 10 years behind the NGT system for design and user ability.
Don't get me wrong I am not bagging the Barrett they are a fine radio and Australian made, my view is Approx $3000 Barrett or $3600 for the Codan, little difference in price in my view, I would go with the Codan latest technology, better resale, more user friendly, seem to be used by more commercial operators as stated in my earlier post, better remote service because of so many operators.
Codan have been in the
HF radio and other communications business for a lot longer than Barrett and have been producing HF for Aircraft, Marine, Defence, Civilian use for a lot longer.
I have a Sat phone and for the reasons others have mentioned besides the saftey issue I will be fitting a Codan in the very near future.