Setting sail on tommorrows tide...

Submitted: Saturday, Jun 05, 2004 at 12:43
ThreadID: 13484 Views:1734 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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We, (swmbo & I) leave in the morning for a trip to Midge point to escape the worst of the Canberra Winter. I'm thinking maybe Imelda Marcos is going with us too... just looking at the shoes SWMBO is room for the breadmaker...or my fishing gear....I'm hoping that it will be warm enough to swim...not that there is any space for beach gear...I have managed to stow away a cumfortable chair to watch sunsets from and I can play games on my CDMA phone while eating thawed bread....such bliss. I'm not at all sure that I'll cope with 3 months of that....I mean the government could self destruct & I wouldnt even know and would miss out on the celebrations....or worse maybe a politician may show some honesty & integrity and I'd miss out on that tooo....ahhhhhhhhhhh the sacrifices one has to make so that ones wife can demonstrate shoe sense to the Qlders.
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Reply By: Member - Roachie- Saturday, Jun 05, 2004 at 22:53

Saturday, Jun 05, 2004 at 22:53
Our family of 5 take precisely 10 shoes with us on most camping trips. Ohhh and a pair of thongs (rubber ones for the feet, not those that are traditionally worn 3 feet above the feet!!! LOL) for going to the tree during the night and in the shower etc.
Maybe you could invest in a shoe box-trailer!!!
Have a great trip mate.......
AnswerID: 61900

Follow Up By: Eric from Cape York Connections - Sunday, Jun 06, 2004 at 08:13

Sunday, Jun 06, 2004 at 08:13
A couple of years back I went to kmart to buy a new pair of thongs I asked the lady at the door do they sell thongs her reply was is that the under wear type or the foot type .
I had good chuckle to myself and and told her that it was the under wear type she was an older lady and she asked me if they were ok to wear.
I said you get used to them.

All the best
FollowupID: 323328

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