Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017 at 13:24
180kg is a lot of ball weight for a camper trailer to have I would question how the weight is balanced because the camper or whatever item in tow should support most of it's own weight. When set up correctly the van etc will ride better because it's
suspension is working correctly and not placing unnecessary weight forward onto the tow vehicle which puts more strain on it's
suspension causing it's bum to drag around. Then to compensate for that in some cases extra heavy duty
suspension in required to support the additional weight because the rear of the vehicle itself will be loaded as
well. Adding a heavier rated spring is fine but some people tend to go overboard with this, go to heavy which gives them a terrible ride when empty.
I had a van yrs ago and when loaded at 1,400kg it had a tow ball weight of just 80kg. I didn't need to upgrade
the springs rating I did fit air bags though because the rear of the vehicle was packed as
well. But on our journey from
Perth to Mackay the air bags where useless as they kept blowing so 90% or more or the trip was done without them and the vehicle still sat level because I made sure I set it up correctly in the first place so I didn't have to rely on the air bags. They were there just to assist and help preserve the coil springs for the long term.