2011 D Max radio changeover.

Submitted: Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 15:04
ThreadID: 135938 Views:2417 Replies:3 FollowUps:6
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I'm having a wee problem replacing the original Fujitsu MP3 WMA radio/CD player with a new Panasonic FHS-S705BT unit.
Does anyone have the colour code for the D Max radio wiring loom please. I've replaced a few radios in my time but the wire colour coding in this vehicle is a bit strange.
I know about the Aerpro adapters but no one mentioned them to me yesterday when I was in town to get the new unit. (I'm a fair way out of town)
I do have the plug and wires for the new unit. I was hoping to just connect them to the existing wiring.
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Reply By: RMD - Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 17:32

Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 17:32
This is going to be a bit involved but here goes. All done in vertical rows
looking into the rear of the OE unit the connections are from the various "bays: or segmented sections. 16 pins in all. with the unit correct way up, ie top at top.
Bay 1 (LHS of port )two pins one above the other.
Top is FR spk+ve
Bottom is FR spkr -ve
next vertical row in next bay before gap with double rail.
Top FL spkr +ve
Bottom FL spkr -ve

Third vertical row from LEFT of connector.
Bottom pin BUp +ve supply ie, always powered.
NEXT two bottom row pins are under the double rail gap.
Both NOT connected.
4th vertical row, ie after centre gap
Top pin ACC and ign on from Battery +ve determined by the key of course.
Bottom pin ANT +ve for aerial
5th vertical double pin row
Top pin Not connected
Bottom pin Illumination ie dash light circuit.
6th double row,ie, lhs of last bay on right.
Top pin RR spk +ve
Bottom Pin RR spkr -ve
7th row of double pins, ie last one on the right of connector
Top pin RL spkr +ve
Bottom pin RL spkr -ve
The OE unit is connected to negative through it's case so a definite neg connection is normally made through that.
The new one may be the same but there is no direct connection to neg in the OE loom as far as I know.
Hope this helps.
I opened my OE unit to read the pin designations direct off the board.

I did not use a loom adapter, I simply soldered/crimped pins to the new wire plug loom and inserted them into the OE vehicle plug in the corret places as per the above info. All wire held in with a run of hot melt glue and suitably taped to ensure no drop outs of pins in action.
AnswerID: 615329

Follow Up By: GerryG - Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 18:18

Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 18:18
I owe you heaps.
I've never seen a wiring code like it.
From what you're saying the colours are as follows:
Front right spks, (+) green and (-) grey.
Front left spks, (+) blue and (-) yellow.
Rear right spks, (+) orange and (-) black.
Rear left spks, (+) red and (-) white.

batt + always on, red/white stripe.
Acc/ign, red/yellow stripe.
Ant. (+), green/black stripe.
Dash light circuit (+), black with silver marker.

I'm racking my brains........What's "OE" stand for.
Again, thanks. Gerry
FollowupID: 886256

Follow Up By: RMD - Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 20:43

Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 20:43
OE is original equipment.
FollowupID: 886263

Reply By: Old 55 - Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 18:53

Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 18:53
OE Original Equipment as supplied by the manufacturer ?
AnswerID: 615330

Follow Up By: GerryG - Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 19:39

Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 19:39
OE.......Outadate Estate?.........Obsolete Ear-blaster?
FollowupID: 886258

Reply By: RMD - Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 21:28

Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 21:28
I found the wiring colours I determined from the OE unit.
In the OE loom plug.

These 4 pins front spkrs but the two vertical rows are slightly separated by a small gap.
FR spkr Green +ve Grey-ve
FL spkr. Blue +ve Yellow -ve

Red /blk. not connected
RED/White. Battery backup , ie direct full time supply.

Green/Yellow not connected
Red/Blue antenna

Red/Yellow. ACC. Key on .

Green/Red Illumination

Blue/red not connected.
Blk ground ( different to what I mentioned earlier)

These 4 pins in separate section by themselves. Rear spkrs. Separate from centre by a larger gap.
Orange. R R spkr +ve
Blk under that orange one RR spkr neg
Red RL spkr +ve
White RL spkr -ve.

Red RL spkr +ve
AnswerID: 615336

Follow Up By: GerryG - Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 23:09

Saturday, Dec 02, 2017 at 23:09
Thanks RMD
I'll get onto it in the morning and let you know how I go but it's looking a damn sight better than it did when I started earlier today!
FollowupID: 886266

Follow Up By: GerryG - Sunday, Dec 03, 2017 at 20:35

Sunday, Dec 03, 2017 at 20:35
Success! Again, thanks for everything RMD. I hope I can return the favour someday.
Regards, GerryG
FollowupID: 886291

Follow Up By: RMD - Sunday, Dec 03, 2017 at 22:51

Sunday, Dec 03, 2017 at 22:51
Well done Gerry. Who needs fancy harnesses?
FollowupID: 886293

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