Article Review: ExplorOz Traveller App

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Have just installed Traveller on a Samsung tablet which works fine but the zoom doesn't go past 12 it seems unless you hold lower by hand, is this just the way it is? i have the maps that are download via the app. Also can any other of ofline maps be loaded to the tablet? I have the WOTopo 200K set but can not fine any if these will work and where to place them on the memory card, have try a couple of spots already but no luck
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Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Tuesday, Jan 30, 2018 at 13:02

Tuesday, Jan 30, 2018 at 13:02
Hi Bill, the EOTopo maps can be zoomed to Level 13 with the 144K maps available by purchasing the Premium map pack - you can buy this an in-app purchase or you can go to our online shop and purchase the license which will then allow you to access the download button in the app for the 557K Australia map, and the 144K East, West, and Central maps.I suspect you haven't yet downloaded these. The Level 13/144K EOTopo map is available both offline and online - the app will automatically switch when you go in/out of mobile range if you keep mobile data on or you can use the map layer control to change manually.

The app also includes OSM Streets & Paths and Satellite for use online. With this complete and comprehensive suite of maps and scale you have every map you'll ever need. Maps cannot be moved outside of the app.

Is WOTopo a typo? Do you mean EOTopo? If you have already got EOTopo200K raster maps from a previous purchase you are already licensed to download the Premium ExplorOz Traveller EOTopo map at no charge. Check this.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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AnswerID: 616504

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