Saturday, Jan 06, 2018 at 20:08
Baz, It is funny you said that we can be a fickle bunch.
I was at a family get together down at a beach one Xmas, and was talking to this elderly Lady for quite some time.
We had a good chat about everything that could be talked about between a
young fella and an elderly woman, without becoming awkward.
Towards the end of the day it came up about Tattoos and she said straight out she could not be bothered talking to anyone that was silly enough to get a Tattoo. I tried to explain to her that just because some one has one does not make them bad person.
Then she got a bit uppty about them, so I pulled off my shirt and showed her that I had a couple.
She turned away and walked away and has never spoken to me again.
I got my first one 45 years ago and is just starting to fade now.
I had an ear ring in for nearly 30 years, been an alcoholic at an early age, but sober for the past 36 years, smoked recreational drugs from time to time, smoked cigarettes since I was 15, and still managed to keep the same job from 1974 to 2014.
Doing any of these things does not make everyone a complete moron, just some, and in my opinion only, they have the makings of being one long before they did any of the above.
I have no secrets, don't really care what people think, live life the way that suits me, smile a lot when others put those thoughts into words and tell me how I could have done it better.
Opps, smoked the wrong rolly.