Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 15:37
Lawn Hill is one of our favourite memories.
Do the canoe trip & watch for the bubbles coming up in
places along the river, these are from
the springs(water) coming into the river.
rim walk is fabulous but a bit rough.Watch for the older members as they might need a bit longer to go more carefully. Take plenty of water!
As for
young kids, I'd have them on a harness( from the days of old, I don't see them around anymore but they're a good idea).
As you can see from Stephens' fabulous photos. It is a sharp long drop in
We went in Sept many years ago, it was a dry year & very hot so we stayed up in the top
camp area, Adeles' Grove was a bit suficating, if hot. .
Only from memory a Iong way back! there is a road crossing the River through to
Mount Isa through cattle station country, the scenery is spectacular. .You will be able to see the River flood marker up in the tree as you exit the River going towards Mt. Isa if you can still get across the River.
Enjoy your journey.
Take care, safe travels. Ma.