Duds for sale

Submitted: Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 21:48
ThreadID: 13677 Views:1378 Replies:8 FollowUps:2
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I thought I would run a duds post for the people of Melbourne , I wont mention regos and maby Dave can sort something to make this a regular even . He may even ask me not to do it again lol .

These are vehicles I have been called out to value this week

GU Patrol in white ( Northcote Area ) This vehicle is running 15's , the rims look like there off a GQ and the spare on the teil gate is off a 4 L cruiser . This vehicle has tar sprayd under it to cover all the rust . Also had rust on the metal components under the dash , Rear diff , is off its head and is one of the worst GU's I have ever seen.

Caulfied , White 100 series Diesel . The list is to long , i traced the car back to WA ( ex mine )

Preston . Green 80 series turbo diesel . Motor oil is mainly morries oil . I removed the did stick and it came out like honney , I would hate to listen to the crank with normal oil .

So be carefull out there guys , make sure you inspect your vehicles properly before you part with your hard earned cash
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Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 22:05

Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 22:05
I thought you meant pants :(
AnswerID: 62716

Reply By: joc45 - Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 22:10

Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 22:10
I remember checking out a 60 series in a yard some years ago which had been bitumen-sprayed underneath. The outer sleeves of the rear shockies had rusted thru in places, so you could look right thru them!! The spray was still soft and came away with sheets of rust from the chassis.
cheers, Gerry.
AnswerID: 62719

Reply By: Davoe - Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 22:29

Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 22:29
A mechanic that writes for western 4wd did an article awhile back about proud new owners bringing ex miners tarted up in for there first service only to find out there vehicles were so bad they were unroadworthy and dangerous I have driven plenty of miners and I would not buy any of them. These vehicles are usually auctioned off with low ks but they are xtremely 2nd hand with as little as 100k and bought by dealers or backyard boys who spend a bit to tart them up but it is worth it due to the prices these vehicles fetch and can find there way to any corner of oz
AnswerID: 62725

Follow Up By: Bros - Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 22:40

Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 22:40
A lot of the ex mine vehicles have been driven over roads watered with pit water, which is reputed to be more corrosive than salt water. (coal mines at least)
Work is the curse of the down and out bludger.

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FollowupID: 324026

Follow Up By: Magnus - Friday, Jun 11, 2004 at 14:40

Friday, Jun 11, 2004 at 14:40

I remember working in one open cut mine where new Toyotas used exclusively in the pit 24/7, and hence not registered, were pensioned off after only 6 - 9 months as they had rusted the Chassis in that time.



FollowupID: 324067

Reply By: IXP10R - Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 22:45

Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 22:45
thanks all top information for the unweary.
AnswerID: 62728

Reply By: fat bastard - Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 23:49

Thursday, Jun 10, 2004 at 23:49
Thanks Eric, all this infomation is handy to know. Well done.

The Fat One
AnswerID: 62735

Reply By: Allan Mac (VIC) - Friday, Jun 11, 2004 at 09:47

Friday, Jun 11, 2004 at 09:47
Thanks Eric,
That sort of info is invaluable considering the SIL is looking around
AnswerID: 62764

Reply By: Vinnie - Friday, Jun 11, 2004 at 21:18

Friday, Jun 11, 2004 at 21:18
I was gonna buy a GU 4.2 diesel patrol with 64,000k's on it for $17 grand, unbelievable I thought, and then the dealer sent me a pic. Definately a mines vehicle, know one when I see it. Dealer rang and said the upholstery was a bit black from farm use and the exhaust at the front of the vehicle was to prevent grass fires in paddocks. I must have d#@$Head written on my forehead. There ain't no grass on a mines paddock!!! The roads are acidic from the coal and that's why trucks and cars don't last long in the body department. NO DEAL.
AnswerID: 62828

Reply By: Member Eric - Friday, Jun 11, 2004 at 23:06

Friday, Jun 11, 2004 at 23:06
Not all mine cars come from WA , some come from Yallorn ( spelling ) , so much mud it isnt funny . I have bought some from here in Melbourne Cheap , but hard work getting them clean
AnswerID: 62860

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