Wednesday, Jul 04, 2018 at 07:59
Thank you Gramps, and I should explain my original motive for my comment to smwhhisky too.
I am not sure if it is by design or not, but EO threads go off topic so quickly that they have nothing to do with the OP question. It's not just this thread, it is almost every thread.
I have seen so many threads that have gone senile within days, and experienced OT discussions that rendered the original topic / question irrelevant to the body of the thread.
I love EO but this issue drives me nuts. It is pointless looking through old threads for information because the body is totally relevant to the title of the thread. So guess what. People start new threads and it happens all over again. Anyone up for a new Solar, electrical, tyre, sat phone thread? And guess what, the people who probably know the answer don't bother answering these - for the 20th time. It's a down
hill slippery slope for a
While other forums go OT, the better ones are moderated to minimise this. They have threads that are useful resources to go back to years later. Some of these, eg LCOOL are growing daily. Why - because they are a useful resource, not a platform to open up personal issues ( Like this one LOL).
There is some wonderful information on this
forum. MickO, StephenL, Landy, Allan, etc etc all post some wonderful research and reading. ( sorry I know I missed a few).
The OP asked a simple question. How can I surf with my keys? About half the responses - now including this one, have nothing to do with helping the OP.
I just hope EO can think of a way to keep these threads relevant. Cutting follow ups and heavier modding would be a great start.
Ok now for my first coffee...