Thursday, Jul 05, 2018 at 23:39
Kevin - The engine hood on the forklift doesn't close and lock like a car bonnet.
It hinges at the top rear, and
swings down to close, and sits on a rubber cushion, that's like a large door seal. There's no locking mechanism.
Obviously, the bolt was sitting on the alloy manifold, and holding the engine hood up slightly - but not enough to be immediately obvious.
The engine hood is thin material, about 1mm thick, and it flexes.
The hood does contain a number of re-inforcing bars and plates, spot welded in position - but overall, it flexes appreciably.
The slight movement of the engine on its rubber mountings provided the movement to abrade the manifold, until the bolt wore through it.
The alloy in the manifold isn't any more than about 3mm thick.
I've seen people put wrong sized batteries in Landcruisers (too tall), and the terminal posts touched the bonnet when it was closed - making for some interesting results!
Cheers, Ron.