Wednesday, Aug 01, 2018 at 06:13
There was a news article not long ago, a NSW (?) lady travelling to
Adelaide was driving in on the SE Freeway, and passing a police vehicle that had pulled someone over by the roadside.
She slowed, but not right down (80 ?), as she said (her story) that the 2 vehicles were off the road by a good 10m . . . possible, but possibly an exaggeration too.
She was an older lady, story painted a picture of very good driver, careful etc,
Anyway, there was no law like this in her state, and of course not long after she was caught up with and pulled over, fined, police would not accept her argument about distance etc.
Not sure, think that there was a thread here about this, the main concern ?
How far before / after should you be doing 25km/hr (in SA) or 40km/hr ?
We've had this law for a few years here now, but recent news shows the police wanting a higher limit, as there have been accidents around emergency vehicles in that time, and that can be more dangerous all round than it's worth !!
SA Police urge speed limit increase
I think 40 is better in some high speed
places like the freeway, common sense should always apply, sad we seem to have people lacking this or too impatient to do the right thing . . . that is why we have too many draconian, inflexible laws.