Sunday, Sep 02, 2018 at 07:22
I'm completely over trying to defend something I know to be true with someone who I don't know, who misquotes me, has no capacity to have a decent discussion, and who is not prepared to listen.
I hope that the information I gave can help travellers in remote areas where there is no cell reception make and receive calls.
It is a fact that you can make calls on a quality Wifi network where there is mobile coverage. I have done it, Telstra's website has details and it is in most phones up to a few years old. I suggest that if anyone is interested in it that they look into it. Sorry I cant be a help desk for every phone, it will be in the manual how to use it, I am sure. On a Samsung it is on be default if you follow my instructions above.
I have not tested every wifi hot spot in Australia, but I have tried it at a few locations and once enabled, it works seamlessly.
For those who just want to pick a fight and misquote me, I'm sorry I am not engaging on this anymore.
For the others, look into it, It's a great system.