2006 VW TDi T5, 2.5litre Transporter Trakkadu

Submitted: Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 03:03
ThreadID: 137387 Views:4359 Replies:8 FollowUps:9
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G’day Forum,
My daughter is looking at buying a 2006 VW TDi T5, 2.5 litre Transporter Trakkadu. Is there any mechanical problems she should be aware of to look out for before purchasing? She wants to use this or similar to do the loop around Australia, asking price $40,000 private sale. Thanks in advance
The Major
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Reply By: Michael H9 - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 08:40

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 08:40
Common in Europe but not here, I drove one around Europe in 2006, (not a Trakkadu). My guess would be rubber hoses and belts would be a vulnerability simply because parts would be difficult to find in some places as would mechanics familiar with them. Sorry I'm not aware of specific problems they may have. The Transporter van clocks up millions of kilometres doing deliveries through Europe so there must be forums with information. The UK is a good start because they speak English. Most car forums have a sticky on the front page of common problems and solutions. Good luck with it.


AnswerID: 621778

Reply By: BobR4 - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 10:19

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 10:19
I've a 2006 transporter van. No belts on it. I'd get the hoses checked.
Great to drive, I've used it to tow a boat from Adelaide to Borroloola and back twice, excellent economy and comfort. My only criticism is that plastic bits seem a little fragile, but maybe I'm more clumsy than I think.
AnswerID: 621781

Reply By: Member - mark D18 - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 12:43

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 12:43
The Major .

I wouldn't touch one .

Just my opinion

Good luck if you do .


AnswerID: 621783

Follow Up By: garrycol - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 13:00

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 13:00
Well that is not much use to the Major.

What is I wouldn't touch one based on?

Arm chair google experience like Ron's posts are so useless or based on real life ownership of the product and if so what were the issues - this would be very relevant to the Major.

However as you post stands - really of little value without context to "I wouldn't touch one"
FollowupID: 894394

Reply By: Jarse - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 13:18

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 13:18
The ‘sealed for life’ autos are well known for failing. Google VW Watercooled Australia. Some good threads there.
AnswerID: 621784

Follow Up By: Member - mark D18 - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 14:19

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 14:19
Garrycol .
Not the slightest bit interested in your opinion , but 40 years as a car wholesaler gives me a pretty good idea on what is good and what is bad .
Reading 4x4 mags like you probably wouldn't help much with vehicle knowledge .


FollowupID: 894395

Follow Up By: garrycol - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 14:34

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 14:34
Well my opinion was of interest to you because you responded ":-)

However your post as you put up is meaningless - now we find you have a history in the business so one assumes you have first hand knowledge of the vehicles.

So what were the issues that popped up with the vehicles in your line of work - it is not a secret and I am sure the OP would like to know to be more informed when a decision has to be made.

At no stage was I doubting your experience/credentials or otherwise because no one knows them, but your statement in your post as it is is meaningless - but we do know more now but a followup in the post you originally made would be helpful.

Oh I rarely read 4x4 mags and I do not know anything about VWs so I cannot comment - but when I see a simple statement with no support or justification for the statement then it just becomes another worthless statement.

Cheers :-)

FollowupID: 894396

Follow Up By: mountainman - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 15:35

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 15:35
Ive worked for 2 engineering companies.
They both had same vehicle VW dual cab , transporter vehicles.
Both had tray backs
One was ally and one was steel
Both companies looked after said vehicles very well.
The turbo diesels have plenty of power and pretty good on fuel.
Roughly 10ltrs per hundred.
Towing wise actually pretty reasonable too but a bigger fuel tank would have been awesome say 100 - 120ltrs
The thing that made them get rid of them quickly was endless troubles..
Not sure if it was sold with warranty left or ran out.
That bad they just sold them as quick as they could.
Yes i got to drove them both.
All autos and i did tow a very heavy tandem once.
Only thing i hated was the auto was extremely slow at dropping a gear, and holding it going up a hill
Would i ever buy one second hand no.
Neither company touched the VW brand again
Soo that says alot !
The other thing that sucked on the dual cab in the transporter range was the solid rear windows for the back seat passengers.
No wind down windows like every other vehicle has in australia
STUPID !!!!!!!!!!
The trakka is a transporter type VW
just set up as a wagon.

If it was me with 40k

Id be looking at the hiace camper setups to buy
Or the trusty and well respected troopy campers.

Or go in and allow 5-7k on a VW for potential repairs
Soo the buying price on vw would be 33k
Both the hiace and troopy has the runs on the board for traveling.

And also pretty much any mechanic has worked on a landcruiser or hiace
Soo you will never have any issues regarding repairs needed on the road.

VW need special tools to be worked on properly
FollowupID: 894398

Follow Up By: mountainman - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 19:17

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 19:17
if i had a daughter i would strongly push her to the hiace and landcruiser stuff.
I would try for a turbo diesel in the troopy as in the 1hdfte or if she can handle a fair bit less power a 1hz troopy.
I wouldn't be touching the turbo diesel v8 troopy

Definitely a troopy or a hiace.
I would not sleep well at night with a vw in her hands if she plans on doing a round oz trip.

Other left field i would recommend.
Is a hyundai iload in a turbo diesel.
You could get one brand new under 40k.
And ask the dear dad for 10k loan ;-)
To kit it out with a drifta kitchen setup that either swings out the back or on a pull slide.
The rear tailgate door then acts as a sun shelter or rain saver
A bunk bed that drops down soo more room and a fridge and dual batteries.
You should easily come out of it under 50k
As for sleeping options..
I would spend 1500 or soo on the 30second tent
Such as the rv3 model
Google these things.
My sister has one and raved about it after doing 7000km trip one way with the husband
Very quick to setup and pull down

I have hit the road from vic to all the way to broome.
The iload is becoming a favorite of wide load escorts.
Because of the ENORMOUS / generous factory warranty period. 7years ?? Unlimited kms ??
Some just do it simply by throwing a mattress in the back and a fridge and that is their road home while on business.
Hyundai has come a very long way since it first come to oz.

These are the choices that i would put to a family member of mine if i was asked.

The iload would take a bit of custom work.
But the drifter kitchens come in soo many options that you wouldn't need anything that custom.
But yet..
They could easily build you something to suit.
Now that should give you heaps of things to think over.

Please avoid the vw
FollowupID: 894399

Follow Up By: Shaker - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 23:21

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 23:21
iLoad warranty is 5yr/160,000km, Kia has the 7 year unlimited warranty.

FollowupID: 894411

Reply By: RMD - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 15:43

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 15:43
I would recommend a thorough inspection of such a vehicle by an unbiased tester who DOES know somesomething about the vehicle, not just a look see type of vehicle check as many do.
While I like the concept for travelling because it suits certain peoples needs, I regard it as a risky thing unless very sound and provable history is known. Not the history written in service books by dealers, they mean nothing at all, only proof it went to a dealer premises. Service book proves abilty to fill in books.
You may be able to get it's VIN and ask a dealer to check it's service and repair history on their VW link and it may reveal info to allow a wise decision to be arrived at.
Because it is an uncommon vehicle if trouble was encountered, most repairers won't know much about them and even dealers who should know, will be far away from where it has broken down. Repair parts aren't as common as for other vehicles either. Cost unknown, but would they be cheaper than other makes?
A vehicle trader certainly knows what is what, a mate of mine ran a wreckers for about 35 years and traded them too. They know.
If transmission trouble was had, getting someone to repair it would be a problem, yes it can be done but the issue in doing so may not be worth the excitment experienced at purchase time.
I used to rebuild electronic auto boxes for the wrecker, a few different brands including Hondas which are quite different but sort of similar to DSG, but no VW boxes though. No one seemed to ever want to have a VW or touch one. Probably far less issues in Europe but here in OZ the game changes.
My son bought a VW Golf and dealing with the company for warranty was a nightmare and they had no interest in providing statutory warranty. That can mean any niggles which can be present in a used vehicle have not been addressed.
There are a myriad of transmissions and 2 or 4 wd. which one is it? One may have a good reputation and others of VW not so good. If you can find out the actual specs of what it has others might be able to provide info zeroed into the actual specs and appointments of the mechanicals.
I do not know the prices but $40,000 seems high, to me, for a 12 year old vehicle, depending on distance and condition of course.
If it had a conventional auto design, which has proven itself through 70 years of worldwide development, I would favour that rather than a DSG type box.
My back ground is automotive mechanic trade + teaching the trade.

I read MM's reply above and endorse that view. A company who has used them has experienced the worth of ownership. I am not surpised at them getting rid of them asap. I have recently, often driven a VW van with a DSG box and sometimes it will accelerate surprisingly fast, so fast you can almost rearend others, while other times at takeoff it hangs, won't change and won't get going until it decides the time, not you, it is almost dangerous and unless you are acutely aware of it's everchanging behaviour, it WILL catch you out. I do not want to own a VW.
AnswerID: 621785

Follow Up By: mountainman - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 19:24

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 19:24
The proper vw trakka were selling over 100k when brand new.
Its basically the old combi in a new vw
With todays inflated prices to match the updayed version.
FollowupID: 894400

Reply By: Iza B - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 16:53

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 16:53
I have a T5 Four motion with the 7 speed DSG. Twin Turbo 2 Litre. Magic vehicle and great to drive. Under body protection is a bit light on for rough dirt road but I have not had troubles by taking it easy. Fellow users who regularly, and on time, service don't seem to have any problems.

VW keep really good records so would suggest a pre-purchase service and a talk to the service manager to be included in the purchase price.
AnswerID: 621786

Follow Up By: Michael H9 - Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 20:25

Saturday, Oct 27, 2018 at 20:25
I've got the current 7 speed DSG and it is nice. Previously, we had a 2008 6 speed DSG and it was a shocker to drive, gear changes worse than a learner, VW said it was normal. I've had 7 VW's and that was the only poor experience, at least it wasn't expensive, we just put up with it.
FollowupID: 894401

Reply By: TheMajor - Sunday, Oct 28, 2018 at 05:59

Sunday, Oct 28, 2018 at 05:59
I am able to add the vehicle is a manual AWD and travelled 93,000 kms by original lady owner, regularly serviced by VW then private mechanic and in immaculate condition.
I have noted the automatics have problem with gearboxes but don’t know if the same applies to manual. I appreciate all comments by the forum and am finding your comments invaluable. I too would hate to have my daughter stranded on her travels so far from home.
The Major
AnswerID: 621798

Follow Up By: Member - mark D18 - Sunday, Oct 28, 2018 at 08:34

Sunday, Oct 28, 2018 at 08:34
Major .

I would rather buy a Hiace with 300,000km with average service records than a well serviced immaculate one owner
VW with 93,000 km .


FollowupID: 894416

Reply By: TheMajor - Wednesday, Oct 31, 2018 at 23:35

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2018 at 23:35
Hello and Thank You to everyone on the Forum who replied. I truly appreciate all your information and opinions and learnt a lot. You will be pleased to know my daughter is not going ahead with buying the 2006 VW Trakkadu. I think she liked the idea of a custom fit out for her gear and dear old Dad paying for it in an as yet unknown 4x4 vehicle! Thanks Forum :)
The Major
AnswerID: 621893

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