Who remembers when... Jack Absalom used to have that TV show on the ABC, all about the outback and stuff, and he always used to have that can of beer wedged in-between his windscreen and dashboard, fire extinguisher apparently... whatever happened to that?
When... Peter Werrhit (sp) used to do the ads on the telly for the “Orbin 5 minute tent”...whatever happened to that?
We used to inflate our tyres out in the bush using one of those little diaphragm pumps you put into the spark plug hole... whatever happened to those?
In our Toyota’s, we would have the position on the Transfer case P.T.O. and for the newbies... it’s not please turn over... whatever happened to those?
You used to be able to buy your 4 x 4, get it
home, unbolt the roof, doors & lay the window down, take it out spotlighting and blast the crap out of the windscreen wiper motor, because it is 2 1/2” below the line of sight crosshairs on your scope!... whatever happened to those?
Your Scoutmaster used to cart you all around in a Land Rover, with a Safari Roof. Scouts have gone downhill since they changed over to Volvo 240 station wagons..... whatever happened to those?
The Leyland Brothers when they crossed Australia west to east in a Volkswagen Bug! ... whatever happened to that?
Han’s Jockstrap rode around Australia on a Hodaka 100 Trail Bike, going through 5 sets of hand grips... whatever happened to him?
Those canvas waterbags our dad’s used to tie in front of the car, always bloody empty... whatever happened to those?
Snatch Straps were things you bought your wife on your anniversary... what ever happened to those?
Sitting down in the lounge room with your parents to watch the Sonny & Cher Show, keeping the box of tissues handy for mum when they sang “ I got u babe..” Mow when I sit and watch her, my kids also have the tissues for me, cause I can’t stop drooling.... we all know what happened to her!
Hope ya all had a safe weekend!!