Quick and easy meals can be readily on hand while on the road by preparing much of it at
home to save lots of time and money.
Vacuum sealers, freezing and dehydrating allow for pre-cooked meals to be stored for relatively long periods, then quickly cooked on the road.
Ideas for vacuumed food include lasagna, stroganoff, pasta sauces, stews as
well as fresh meats which can all be frozen. Sealing them stops the dreaded freezer burn and retains the flavour. Heating up is easy by just simmering in the pack until thawed and heated through. Reduces washing up pans, etc..
Dried food and vegetables can be bought or prepared in a dehydrator. Try dried mashed potato for e.g. and then seal it or preserve your own fruits/veg in jars (pack carefully!).
Rice, legumes, pasta, flour, cereal, etc, keep almost indefinitely but can be added to prepared meals.
I'm sure others have some
recipes and methods that would be of help to us, also!