solar regulator

Submitted: Friday, Jun 18, 2004 at 20:39
ThreadID: 13899 Views:2506 Replies:2 FollowUps:2
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I have a 8amp regulator connected to my dual battery from an 80 watt panel my question is can you run the 12v out let from a non regulated petrol generator through the solar panel regulatorand will the reg do the same job as when the solar panel is connected
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Reply By: Eric Experience. - Friday, Jun 18, 2004 at 21:22

Friday, Jun 18, 2004 at 21:22
Time waster,
Yes, provided the current does not exceed 8 amps. If you adjust the revs of the charger so the regulator is getting about 16 volts in to the input you will be sweet. Eric.
AnswerID: 63813

Follow Up By: V8troopie - Friday, Jun 18, 2004 at 22:28

Friday, Jun 18, 2004 at 22:28
Agree with Eric there but I'm curious what kind of petrol genny is not regulated these days? Is it a home brew job?
Almost all off the shelf genny's , if they are meant to charge a 12v battery, have some kind of voltage regulation to prevent cooking the battery.
FollowupID: 324983

Reply By: Tim HJ61 - Saturday, Jun 19, 2004 at 13:12

Saturday, Jun 19, 2004 at 13:12
Eric et al,

If the solar panel produces 80w, then the regulator is cruising at 8amps (8amps x 12v = 96w) when connected to the solar panel.

But the initial question is not about voltage output from the new power source - the generator in this case - it's about amps, and whether the regulator will limit the current to 8A.

My assumption would be that as as long at the voltage limit of the voltage regulator was not exceeded, then it wouldn't matter where the power came from and that yes, it would limit the current to 8amps.

The only thing I would be concerned about was whether the regulator checks battery voltage so it doesn't overcharge the battery. I'd guess it would, given it's meant to be connected to a permanent power source - solar panels.

AnswerID: 63914

Follow Up By: V8troopie - Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 02:41

Sunday, Jun 20, 2004 at 02:41
Tim, voltage regulators do just that, they regulate the VOLTAGE. They are rated for a certain number of Amps, exceed this figure and the regulator chip inside gets too hot and most likely expires prematurely.

Solar panels put out around 21V open circuit, the regulator reduces this to around 14v for battery charging. So, you cannot use your maths above (8amps x 12V = 96W) but instead try this equation: 80W / 14V = 5.71A, which is the approximate max. charging current from that 80W panel into a low battery IF the panel is in full sunlight.

5.71A is well within the rating of an 8 Amp solar regulator.

And yes, any good multistage solar regulator senses the battery voltage to prevent overcharging. When it senses the battery is getting nearly full it reduces the output voltage, and hence the charging current, to a level to just maintain the battery.

FollowupID: 325152

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