Sunday, Dec 08, 2019 at 21:01
You got the politicians and their (lack of) plans that you paid for.
We need more Statesmen and Stateswomen rather than politicians.
The difference being, the first makes long term plans and decisions that are good for the country - the latter make plans for the week ahead, that pose most benefit to their particular party.
As a good mate often said, "You wouldn't give politicians a sweet
shop to run outside a Girls School, they'd send it broke in a month".
Hardly a one of them has any business or management experience, they are picked by faceless party preselection powerbrokers, on the basis of affiliations or loyalty to the Party.
If was elected, I'd ban political parties and make politicians accountable to their electors, as it should be.
I don't give a stuff about Gina, she made her billions by her old man signing a Royalty agreement to get 2.5% of every tonne of iron ore that Rio Tinto pulls out of the ground - forever.
And she's a classic for major tax avoidance using Trusts and lots of shiny bum lawyers, scheming up tax "minimisation" schemes.
Remember, she was married to the biggest Tax Cheat lawyer in the U.S. - Frank Rinehart.
Rinehart was convicted of tax fraud and disbarred in the U.S. He taught Gina
Yet if you listen to her, the Hancock family is solely responsible for the entire Iron ore industry in Australia and Lang should have got a Knighthood.
The "hood" part is right, he hoodwinked every Australian out of their royalty entitlements and directed it to his own money bin. A classic Robber Baron.
Is it any wonder the Federal Govt passed a law banning private individuals from writing up royalty agreements, after they realised how much Lang Hancock shafted every Australian??
Cheers, Ron.