Sunday, Mar 01, 2020 at 13:59
Cougar - The modified tranny oil flow valve is offered and described in the link below.
Essentially, the factory flow valve restricts oil flow until the transmission is at operating temperature.
This is a design that caters for severe Nth American Winter conditions, where their low temperatures far exceed anything we get in Australia.
The factory flow restriction valve has a tendency to cause more problems than it cures, in our moderate climate.
Debris from bushings inside the transmission, plus small metal particles from general transmission wear, can stick in the factory flow restriction valve, and stop any oil from reaching the factory oil cooler.
The replacement valve is a full flow unit, which has no restriction at all. This also makes it easier to fill the transmission with oil and reach the correct oil level more quickly.
Fitting the full flow valve does mean the transmission takes a little longer to warm up - but in our climate, that should be of no concern - unless you live and work in high Australian Alpine regions on a constant basis.
Extremely cold oil makes for harsh shift changes in this transmission, thus the reason for Fords installation of the flow restriction valve, to ensure the tranny oil warmed rapidly in the depths of Nth American Winters.
Thermostatic bypass valve - Ford Ranger/Mazda BT-50 auto transmission
Cheers, Ron.