Oil Safe - Winner !!

Submitted: Monday, Jun 21, 2004 at 14:48
ThreadID: 13975 Views:1556 Replies:3 FollowUps:1
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I am one of the lucky winners of the recent Oil Safe competition run by ExplorOz. I received a great bag, hat, stubby holder, and an Oil Pump. THe oil pump is a remote pot that holds 10 litres of oil. THe oil is pumped into the gearbox,diff, etc by a simple "T" handle pump. I am quite impressed with the design and quality of the pump and I am going to purchase some of their other products for oil changing.

I have not seen their products before but can now recommend them. For me, keeping oil clean when you are putting it in is paramount - better than trying to filter it out later during its service life.

They can be found at http://www.exploroz.com/ResultsList.asp?Keywords=Oil+Safe

No affliliation, yada, yada

Cheers Jon
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Reply By: Rosco - Bris. - Monday, Jun 21, 2004 at 14:51

Monday, Jun 21, 2004 at 14:51
Lucky lucky bastard
AnswerID: 64206

Reply By: Member - Bear - Monday, Jun 21, 2004 at 21:53

Monday, Jun 21, 2004 at 21:53
I won a stubby holderand can honestly state that its the best one I have - I will be more than happy to put this stubby holder through its paces and get back to you all with a full report.
AnswerID: 64292

Follow Up By: Muddy 'doe (SA) - Monday, Jun 21, 2004 at 22:09

Monday, Jun 21, 2004 at 22:09
I am sure we all admire your devotion to the task!!!

Look forward to the report....

Cheers (literally)
FollowupID: 325405

Reply By: kissyeah - Tuesday, Jun 22, 2004 at 17:14

Tuesday, Jun 22, 2004 at 17:14
I win too. I think I might get the oil pourer for engine oil and another can and that would do me. All the stuff we won is really good quality!!!
AnswerID: 64440

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