Portable Fridge Freezers

I'm looking at buying a Kickass Dual Zone fridge/freezer, so i was wondering if any one has had any experience with a Kickass fridge product, and would love to hear your thoughts.
Thanks in advance.
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Reply By: Kazza055 - Thursday, Mar 26, 2020 at 22:23

Thursday, Mar 26, 2020 at 22:23
I just brought a 60L Brass Monkey Dual Zone Fridge / Freezer for $499.00 to replace my dead 40L Engel.

Very impressed with it
AnswerID: 630740

Follow Up By: Gramps - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 04:18

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 04:18
Shock horror !

You've just broken one of the site's 10 Commandments - "Thou shalt not speak disparagingly about Engel". Don't you know they last forever and NEVER break down. Shame on you.

FollowupID: 906275

Follow Up By: Member - McLaren3030 - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 06:37

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 06:37
Good one gramps, PMSL.


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FollowupID: 906276

Follow Up By: Kazza055 - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 09:14

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 09:14
Sorry guys, please forgive me for my blaspheme.

I spent about 4 weeks trying to get it going, even bypassed the power supply but no joy.

Sold it on Gumtree for $150 which went to buying a replacement . I can buy nearly three of these for what I paid for the Engel and cover.
FollowupID: 906278

Follow Up By: RMD - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 10:21

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 10:21
Engel, I have one, have poor insulation and are very slow to cool compared to a compressor/motor fridge. My small Waeco will freeze something 5 times faster than the Engel will.
How did you "bypass" the power supply?????. Unless you had a alternate switching 22v AC supply at approximately the same frequency which the Engels use you wouldn't be able to run it's reciprocating piston compressor. Just applying some AC or DC to the comp would do nothing.
FollowupID: 906281

Follow Up By: Kazza055 - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 11:59

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 11:59
I purchased a 9V - 24V, 60VA, 5A Multi-Tapped Dual Output Type 2167 Transformer from Jaycar which will give 24VAC and connected this directly to the motor. The normal power supply gives 24V square wave so this transformer will allow you to test the motor.

I ran it for about 20 minutes continuously and the only temperature change was that the motor got hot but absolutely no cooling.
FollowupID: 906290

Reply By: nick g1 - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 00:07

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 00:07
I have had a kickass dual zone for 5 months now in my hybred caravan. Have it on a fridge slide that is in when we travel and out when we are camped. We are permanently on the rd so it has been running full time for this time. I love it . Works beautifully. Never had a problem. Why we chose it over a engle is the fact that you have two seperate doors for fridge and frezzer. You can control each zone separately making for presice control of temps.
You need to keep the volts up to it like any 12v fridge . I have 3x100amphour batteries in my van and 420 watts of solar blankets. In good sun this is enough to meet all my power needs. If little or no sun l last 2days max before l have to start car or generator. This is when my battries are down to 70%. I never let then go below that.
Would thoughtly recommend the kickass fridge.
AnswerID: 630742

Reply By: Member - Boobook - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 07:01

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 07:01
Pearsey, I have no experience with that particular fridge, but it does have the SECORP / Danfoss compressor. That is a very good sign.

It is well understood, reliable, parts are available, and can be repaired by just about any fridge repair place across Australia.

Just make sure it is the Secorp 2..5 / Danfoss BD35, the Secorp 3.0 / BD50 is often used in larger fridges and can be power hungry.

Just do not buy any fridge that does not have this type of compressor, including Engel IMHO.
AnswerID: 630745

Follow Up By: RMD - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 10:38

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 10:38
Perhaps SECOP? German! Secorp is a UK water treatment company.
FollowupID: 906282

Reply By: Rangiephil - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 17:55

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 17:55
Yes my Engel is slow to cool down and a bit power hungry.

After 20 years .

In the 20 years has had a new thermostat and a new fan. It was the first model with fan due to the regs that the new gas 134A? had to be used.
It cost 1050 back then which was a lot but not so much now, however I would probably buy a Chinese Kickass or whatever now at $450 or so.
But tell me how they will be going in 20 years.
AnswerID: 630760

Follow Up By: Member - rocco2010 - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 18:25

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 18:25
My mum was looking through some old papers and stuff a few weeks ago and she found the warranty registration card filled out by my late father when he bought his Engel in December 1980.

He never posted it!

Lucky the the thing is still going strong!


FollowupID: 906297

Follow Up By: David I1 - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 09:17

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 09:17
My Engel is a 1972 model and still going strong. I always wonder when is it going to die. I am too scared to buy a new fridge as the engel might just get upset. Yes it consumes power. Cost a bomb in 1972. (I think +$650). Would I buy another Engel? Not sure as there are a lot around and a lot cheaper. Also I think I have less than 48 years left on this planet. Looking at the specs of this Kickass fridge I note from the it can only handle angles of less than 5% for long periods, and 45% for very short periods. That would worry me as often my 4WD is parked on funny angles and I want a fridge that works in the heat and on angles. That why after owning Finch, Electrolux, Sheen and many other cheap units in the late 60's and early 70's I bit the bullet and paid the "Engel" premium. I have not been disappointed. If you plan to do 4WDing, I would be checking the specs to make sure the fridge suits your requirements.
FollowupID: 906322

Follow Up By: Kazza055 - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 10:31

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 10:31
How often do you have your car parked on an angle anywhere near 45 degrees ?

I think even 5 degrees would be very uncomfortable.

I have seen this same statement made in just about every thread about portable fridges, it is a bit like the handgrenade comments and the Patrol.

FollowupID: 906327

Follow Up By: David I1 - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 10:40

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 10:40
5% uncomfortable? For what? I dont sleep in my car, but often just park the car where ever. When parking my car I dont look for a flat surface. My issue is that 5% is not much and I would think from reading the specs it should not be left for long period. So I camp for 3 days and my car is on an angle greater than 5%. What happens to the fridge? Yes 45% is extreeme. I do not see those angles mentioned on my fridge specs.
FollowupID: 906329

Follow Up By: Kazza055 - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 11:52

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 11:52
My guess is that the fridge would still work at 5%, I think these specs are based one older fridges, just a hangover from years gone by.
FollowupID: 906338

Follow Up By: Member - shane r1 - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 13:49

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 13:49
I just had a look at 5 degrees, and then compared it to 10,( 10 is fair slope) I would imagine if a fridge would be ok at 45 for a short periods, it’d be fine at up to 10 for a fair while.
I googled “what does 10 degree slope look like”
FollowupID: 906345

Follow Up By: Batt's - Friday, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:10

Friday, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:10
Strange who would use old specs for a new fridge or for anything not good for marketing. 5 deg is not a big angle it would pay to ask the manufacturer the real truth as to why instead of guessing so you don't effect it's opperation especially if you want to keep it for a few years.
FollowupID: 906487

Reply By: Member - Lyncol - Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 20:33

Friday, Mar 27, 2020 at 20:33
RMD you never cease to amaze me, I just hope you never have a slip up with spelling or terminology! Shock Thread ID 139845. Pardos ( something to do with the Spanish or Portuguese) Anyway pearsy had a customer of mine bring a kick ass fridge in apparently not working properly on 12 volt, turned out to be too smaller wiring going to it. But I did find out that that particular fridge was made by evakool and rebadged so tend to think that should be fine as I have a small consol evakool and works a treat.
AnswerID: 630764

Follow Up By: RMD - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 14:18

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 14:18
If in England and want sticky tape for an envelope, just ask for Durex as an Aussie used to call it. Observe the reaction.
FollowupID: 906348

Follow Up By: Member - Lyncol - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 21:09

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 21:09
May be so in England( yes I do understand the durex brand) but go to any Toyota dealer in Australia and some other countries and ask for a pardos ? Observe the reaction. Just saying everyone can make a spelling mistake or get terminology not quite right but we all have a fair idea what the person is asking.
FollowupID: 906364

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 21:11

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 21:11
For heaven's sakes, it's a typo!!!

Don't sweat the small stuff!

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FollowupID: 906365

Reply By: Member - McLaren3030 - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 16:05

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 16:05

IMHO, you can’t go past an Engel. Expensive yes, reliable absolutely. The number of people that have had Engels for many years, some for many decades, with very little issues speaks volumes. I am sure some people may have had an issue, but they are certainly in the minority. I have had mine for over 16 years, would I buy another one, absolutely.


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AnswerID: 630775

Follow Up By: TrevorDavid - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 20:45

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 20:45
I have to agree with you Macca.

Two Engels, one 25 years old the other 18.

Both are strapped to the tray, the only thing I have had go wrong was, the younger of two would run but not cool, so I turned it off, turned it upside down for a few hours, uprighted it, waited half an hour, turned it back on & it hasn't missed a beat since.



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FollowupID: 906361

Reply By: Member - Jim S1 - Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 21:08

Saturday, Mar 28, 2020 at 21:08
I bought a battered old Engel that had been on an ocean-going yacht. It was at least 15 years old when I bought it in 2002. Gave it a new coat of paint when attending to a bit of rust, bought a couple of handles which had disappeared somewhere, and it fires up happily every time, on 12v or 240. The thermostat even works.

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AnswerID: 630780

Reply By: Craig H4 - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 11:54

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 11:54
I love how the Engel acolytes pipe up whenever someone asked a question about ANY other fridge, somehow it always becomes about Engel.
AnswerID: 630784

Follow Up By: David I1 - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 12:37

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 12:37
Just trying to point out the facts. Most times you get what you pay for. I would not buy a fridge that says it cannot handle an angle of +5% for any length of time. Ok 45% is extreme and I would be probably jumping out of my car as well on that angle. But horses for courses.
FollowupID: 906374

Follow Up By: Member - shane r1 - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 14:33

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 14:33
They’re a bit like landrover’s and Toyota’s aren’t they!

Now I’m ducking for cover too!

But I do own 2 Engels, had one die before that, next fridge might be something else.
FollowupID: 906375

Follow Up By: Member - McLaren3030 - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 14:39

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 14:39
And those that “poo poo” them Craig, don’t generally own one.


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FollowupID: 906376

Follow Up By: Kazza055 - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 14:55

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 14:55
I poopoo them because mine died at 9 years and I can't justify paying twice the price of the Brass Monkey just to say I have an Engel.

They may be good but they are heavy and overpriced like a lot of other brands out there.
FollowupID: 906377

Follow Up By: Craig H4 - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 17:08

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 17:08
As far as I can tell the 75L duel door fridge the OP is talking about is made by Evakool so should be reasonably good quality, obviously no where near the unbelievable quality of an Engel but fit for purpose and has a couple of really good features.
Im not sure where the 5% angle info is coming from? and I don't believe I have done any "poo poo"ing of Engel at all? I've made an observation of the people who use Engel (on this forum) not the quality of the product, seems valid IMO.
FollowupID: 906379

Follow Up By: Allan B (Sunshine Coast) - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 17:48

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 17:48
The OP's fridge (Kickass) is not made by Evakool. It is a direct import from China.
This same fridge is imported and marketed under various names by a number of companies...... Kickass, Brass Monkey, Jaycar, and other names. Evakool brand theirs as Travelmate.
Although I do not own one, they are certainly well priced and seem quite well made. Certainly as good as Waeco, which I do own.

As for Engel, well they do have a good reputation for longevity, and can take the knocks. But they also have their negative aspects.... high price, high power consumption, and high noise. Yes, yes, yes, I have actually used one for several years. And there are even 'better' fridges, much better, at higher prices, MUCH higher!

But for the average punter, the Brass Monkey fridge looks to be good value. And I would buy it from Jaycar because of their good backup and response to any problem.

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FollowupID: 906381

Follow Up By: Member - Lyncol - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 22:09

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 22:09
Kickass fridges were made by evakool up until the end of 2018 , you may now be right where they are made, sorry for the confusion but did that job about 2 years ago.
FollowupID: 906388

Reply By: RMD - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 15:57

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 15:57
Fridges? Most of us want to buy a fridge and Engel have much the same technology as years ago. No matter what you buy in the world today it most likely has a Secop style / copy compressor in it if not an Engel. I am unsure how you would decide one fridge against another brand. Yes, you may have a, Kick the Donkey fridge , or another of the multitude of fridges but nearly ALL will have compressor made under some sort of licence in China. Everyone claims a Secop status anyway, no matter if genuine German Secop or one from that other land.
Therefore the reliability/life should be much the same over the range available. Just claiming you have had no trouble with KA in 5 months is hardly a recommendation of reliability OR quality. I have an Engel 39 L from before they fitted fans, I fitted fans before they did. It runs but cools slower than when new. Probably the electronic solenoid reciprocating piston driver is either faster but less forceful.
There is nothing in them that "swings". Electricals getting tired it seems. I suspect the electrics kill most failed Engels. My small Waeco with Danfoss/Secop cools/freezes quickly but is only 15 years old. I cannot claim one is better than the other.
AnswerID: 630785

Reply By: Gramps - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 16:26

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 16:26
Happy with my 15 year old Waeco. No problems and half the price of the equivalent Engel at the time.Well in front IMHO.

AnswerID: 630786

Follow Up By: David I1 - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 17:57

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 17:57
Only compressor portable fridge when I bought mine in 1972 was Engel. If your Waco lasts 48 years with no repairs then fine. Survived 3 rollovers,, and so much neglect I am amazed it still fires up. Hence my raving about Engel. All metal no fancy lights or split innards either a freezer or a fridge and fits my 2 slabs a day requirements!,

Ha ha
FollowupID: 906382

Follow Up By: Gramps - Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 12:42

Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 12:42
Actually it only has to last 24 years (given half the price) LOL

FollowupID: 906394

Follow Up By: RMD - Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 15:43

Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 15:43
David I1
Two slabs a day eh? No wonder you keep on having rollovers. Over an over and over and so it goes. The fridge lasted ok but the vehicles didn't!
FollowupID: 906395

Follow Up By: rumpig - Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 at 07:17

Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 at 07:17
Is the priice of broken latches taken into account in that waeco equation?....lol
FollowupID: 906405

Follow Up By: Allan B (Sunshine Coast) - Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 at 07:53

Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 at 07:53
Agreed Rumpig. I have rebuilt my Waeco latch twice. It is now aluminium and won't break again!

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FollowupID: 906406

Follow Up By: Gramps - Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 at 09:25

Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 at 09:25
Rumpig & Allan B,

Happy to advise I'm still on the original latches. You blokes were obviously in some sort of desperation to consume whatever medicinal fluids you had stored in your Waecos at the time.

FollowupID: 906407

Follow Up By: Allan B (Sunshine Coast) - Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 at 09:45

Tuesday, Mar 31, 2020 at 09:45
LOL Gramps. Or maybe it depends on product model and age?...... Fridge age, not mine... lol
Flimsy plastic arrangement...... not a simple solid metal clasp as on Engel...... There, I've said it!

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FollowupID: 906409

Reply By: Member - Pearsey - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 17:58

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 17:58
I didn’t want bore everyone with a whole lot of detail.
But actually I own an Engel and an ARB, so I know how good they are.
I’m actually looking at a fridge/freezer with seperate lids. This is because we don’t want to disrupt the freezer every time the fridge is opened to get a refreshment, which is quite often. Leaning towards Kickass or Snomaster, I’m still interested in anyone’s experience with the Kickass product.
AnswerID: 630790

Follow Up By: Allan B (Sunshine Coast) - Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 18:04

Sunday, Mar 29, 2020 at 18:04
How do you compare Kickass at $500 with Snomaster at $1500+?

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FollowupID: 906383

Reply By: Rangiephil - Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 09:36

Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 09:36
Just a thought on why people buy Engels.
I was at the camping shop in Broome.
A bloke in the carpark was unpacking a new Engel he had just bought as his cheapo had died. ( at Kimberley price ie full retail plus)

He had to chuck the cheapo away as he had no room for it in the back of the ute.

I think he was from NSW. the freight back was probably more than he paid for the fridge.

That is why reliability is important.
AnswerID: 630794

Follow Up By: OzzieCruiser - Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 11:48

Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 11:48
Yes and I have heard of Engels failing in exactly the same situation - my $450 15yo ebay fridge is still running fine after being bounced around in the back of my truck all that time. With side by side testing, it uses no more power, has better insulation, is quieter and cools quicker.

At the time Engels were 3 times as more expensive, but definitely not 3 times more reliable or 3 times better.
FollowupID: 906392

Follow Up By: Member - Blue M - Thursday, Apr 02, 2020 at 01:36

Thursday, Apr 02, 2020 at 01:36
Back in 2018 I did a trip across the desert and ended up in Alice Springs.
Bought a heap of supplies to keep us going for another couple of weeks.
On the second day out from Alice Springs, we observed our "40 Ltr ENGEL", which was only purchased in 2006, had failed to function at all.
So 500k back to Alice Springs to buy another fridge, threw away kilos of assorted meats and other stuff that could be frozen. The outside temp was up in the high 30's
Changed leads, power sources and did all the cross checking I could think of, even plugging it in to 240v once we were back at Alice.
So I thought I would try a ARB 47 Ltr, which is just as expensive as an Engel.
I have owned 3 Wacoes before, 2 used I in work utes and 1 for personal use.
I was not real fond of them.
Now days at the age of 66 and tied to a gas bottle, I have to reevaluate how long I want something to last as compared to cost.
I work out things on the cost of a can of coke. If I paid $1400 for the fridge and it lasted 12 years that's a cost of about $10.00's a month, break down further and it is around $1.42 a day, roughly half the price of a can of coke a day.
I have looked at those Kickass fridges and if I ever needed another one I would not hesitate to try one. China must be able to make some good stuff over there, surely.

Engels do fail, much to popular belief that they don't, and thing is reliable until it fails.
FollowupID: 906440

Follow Up By: Member - McLaren3030 - Thursday, Apr 02, 2020 at 06:51

Thursday, Apr 02, 2020 at 06:51
Hi Blue M,

Did you get the engel checked in Alice, or just buy another fridge? My engel stopped cooling when it was about 3 or 4 years old. Had it checked out by a refrigeration mechanic, turned out to be the thermostat. Thermostat replaced at a total cost of about $150 including labour. Fridge is still going strong, it is now 16 years old, and lives permanently in the back of the wagon.

One of the best things (IMHO) about engel fridges is that they are repairable at a reasonable price, in most cases that I have heard about, less than the price of a new one of a similar size, even the “cheap” ones. From reading on this forum and others that I am a member of, a lot of people (not suggesting you are one) just replace items when they stop working without investigating the cause, and wether it is repairable at a reasonable cost. Unfortunately, we seem to live in a “disposable” society these days.


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FollowupID: 906442

Follow Up By: Member - Blue M - Friday, Apr 03, 2020 at 01:06

Friday, Apr 03, 2020 at 01:06
Macca, I did not get it checked out while I was in Alice Springs. I did ask around and got, maybe in 3 weeks I might be able to have a look at it.
I did manage to re-arrange things and I bought it home with me.
It sat in the shed for around 3-4 months and every now and then after kicking it a few times, I would plug it in to 12v and 240v just to check it out. Nothing, not even a murmur came out of it.
One day I was going to Roma, which is roughly 200k's away and is the nearest repair place around me.
I left it there on a Friday and the guy said he would have a look at it and let me know if it was fixable.
The following Friday he rang me and said I could come by and pick up my fridge.
So on the Monday I went to Roma to get it. The chap bought it out and put it near the door, I asked him what the damage was and he laughed and said, I can't charge you for something I haven't done.
He said he plugged it into the 240v and turned it down to freeze before he shut up for the week-end.
On the Monday it was down to -18 and stayed there for a couple of days, so then he unplugged it, let it warm up and tried it on 12v and got the same result.
He used the leads that I had left inside the fridge, so I know it was not them.
It now sits in the shed as a drink fridge, happily running off a 160w solar panel hooked to a 120ah Ritar battery, which I bought in 2011.

So the moral of the story is,
Did it fail, YES
Did it cost me a new one at the time, YES
How much did it cost me to get it fixed, NOTHING,
Do I trust it to cool my drinks down, Yes
Will I trust it again with two weeks worth of tucker out in the middle of no where, MAY BE NOT.
FollowupID: 906482

Follow Up By: Allan B (Sunshine Coast) - Friday, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:24

Friday, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:24
Hi Blue,

That sounds very much like an intermittent connection fault to me. Intermittents are like mice, they 'come and go' and the technique to deal with them is to kick it as you did. But the secret is to know just where to kick it! This can take many years of practice and even now I sometimes don't get it right. But obviously your Roma serviceman kicked the right spot on this occasion.

I never charge for fixing an appliance for simply kicking it either, but I never reveal just where I kicked it..... that is a professional secret.


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FollowupID: 906488

Follow Up By: Banjo (WA) - Friday, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:47

Friday, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:47
Does the name, 'Kickass', also double as the service manual?
FollowupID: 906492

Reply By: Member - Geoff B (WA) - Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 11:20

Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 11:20
I bought a 75 Ltr kickass dual zone fridge in October last year and I am very happy with it.
I have found that the fan in the fridge vibrates and annoys the shit out of me (my wife doesn’t hear it but I do) so I contacted Australian direct and they sent me a new fan to fit but that still vibrated the same so I contacted them again and have fitted a fan that has bearings so there is no movement in the fan problem solved.
The fridge is great, solid and good fittings and I had it out in the wheatbelt during harvest in 40 degree temperatures and my beer was icy cold every night.
I have just return home from a month in SA and it was excellent and draws very little power, ran off the car battery and solar on roof for the
whole month.
I also have a 40 ltr Engel fridge that is old but works well and I had a 80 ltr Waeco fridge that was very hungry on power.
I would highly recommend them.
AnswerID: 630796

Follow Up By: Member - Allan L2 - Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 11:44

Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 11:44
Why should you have to spend time & effort to repair something that should not have been necessary in the first place. I would be worried about the quality.
FollowupID: 906391

Reply By: Rangiephil - Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 17:19

Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 17:19
I notice the plastic 40litre Engel is on special at BCF for $699 for members.

To me it is probably more desirable than a Chinese Cheapy at $499
AnswerID: 630798

Follow Up By: Rangiephil - Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 17:24

Monday, Mar 30, 2020 at 17:24
BTW, about 5 years or so ago I was employed as the sales Manager of a roof rack importer. the boss was very entrepreneurial so thought he would offer a "group Buy " of these Chinese fridges.
We advertised in 4x4 Australia and sat back. No orders came.
The deal was AFAIR the landed cost was about $250 and the supplier threw in a couple of fridges per container for warranty.
In general the higher priced fridges have a longer warranty than cheaper ones even though they may be the same fridge..
For this reason I would buy an Evakool one as they are a reputable company who will be around if there is a problem later unlike my boss who went broke. They may be more expensive but there is a reason for that.
FollowupID: 906398

Reply By: Batt's - Friday, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:41

Friday, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:41
Sorry can't help with Kickass I have a fibreglass Evakool 16yrs old made in QLD Australia replaced a couple of things over the yrs they have backup around Aus good for travellers.
AnswerID: 630849

Follow Up By: Rangiephil - Saturday, Apr 04, 2020 at 16:43

Saturday, Apr 04, 2020 at 16:43
Yes they look like a good product but bulky.
I helped a bloke with one on a joint trip I was on.
No cooling.
I always carry a multimeter and found 12 volts right to the fridge.
We opened up the compressor cover and I found lots of push on connectors and nothing obviously wrong.
So I pulled each one off in turn and then reconnected them with a wiggle.
It started right up and kept going.
So to me the only Achilles heel was the use of push on blade connectors where maybe they should have been screw on.
Regards PhilipA

FollowupID: 906548

Follow Up By: Batt's - Sunday, Apr 05, 2020 at 00:50

Sunday, Apr 05, 2020 at 00:50
I've never had trouble with the push on connectors on the fridge though there is several of them butI have had issues with them on spotlights though. Good to see it was an easy fix yes a screw connection would be more secure or soldiering the wire to the post would also be secure fix.

The Rf fibreglass models like mine can be considered as bulky or ugly with the compressor etc hanging off one end but you get good storage depth without a shelf robbing the space and it keeps the heat further away. They are white which helps reflact heat with a fibregass body not metal to reduce heat soak and have thicker walls than some so good for insulation so no insulation bag required like some others need. So bulky or ugly can also be very practical if it suits. They do sell models with the compressor etc mounted underneath like other brands do.
FollowupID: 906572

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