Removing roof liner of FJ60 for rust inspection?
Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 22, 2004 at 10:16
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Howdy gang, how goes it?
My faithfull old 'Betsy' 60 series had a little rust in the roof gutters ( what faithful 60 hasnt? ), which ive taken care of recently.
I'm naturally curious about getting in & under the roof for a closer inspection, considering my long term plans for the super 60 with travelling around australia.
i've heard of people easily pulling out the internal roof liner for an inspection/ derust, so I'm chasing any goss/info/advice on whether this can be done/how easy/how to do it etc.
Cheers in advance for any responses!
Reply By: stocksy - Wednesday, Jun 30, 2004 at 22:07
Wednesday, Jun 30, 2004 at 22:07
Taking out the head lining will not help you fix the rust. The reason is that there is an inner panel where the water gets into which cannot be accessed from under the roof lining. What happens is that during the body manufacture, the roof, inner panel and the body side panels are spot welded together, then a sealer is put over the top to seal the three panels against water ingress. The way to fix it is to use fibre glass and work from the outside, make the rust hole bigger,that is cut out the rusty piece of the panel. Before you fill the hole pour in a load of rust killer, once its dried fill the whole and finish as per normal. To make sure you get all the rust you will need to completely remove the old sealer from all the gutter, and
check for rust starting under the sealer. paint all the exposed area with a rust killer such as Rainex. Once it has dried thoughly re seal the gutter area. I used a 3M product called Drip Chek, it is available from any automotive paint supplier.
You can then paint over the sealer and the jobs done - almost! recheck the sealer after about a month and reseal where you find any cracks.
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further info.
Good Luck
Follow Up By: Rowen - Thursday, Jul 08, 2004 at 20:44
Thursday, Jul 08, 2004 at 20:44
Howdy again stocksy!
u seem 2 know your stuff. Sorry its taken a while to respond but ive been away. Cheers for your thorough response, much appreciated.
A while ago, my Tojo bus had some rust pockets around the gutters & so I scraped it all back, cut out the anybleepy bits, cleaned it as best i could, sprayed it thoroughly (getting inside as much as i could ) with a Rustkill product, then bogged it in & smoothed it over. Probably not as thorough as what you descibe but I spent considerable time to do a good job. As with all old 60 series owners, I'm always a little wary of rust ( got a cheap deal on 'Counteract' electronic rust protection system, which doesnt seem 2 have alot of believers ) & so, when i heard that alot of rust comes from moisture from the inside ( people sleeping in cars etc which i do a fair bit ) & that removing the internal lining can be a good idea for inspection, I gave it some thought & hence this post. so, further to that, what do you think of my rust job & secondly do u still consider removing the internal lining a waist of time?
cheers again!
P.S - I'd love to get a few more kw's outta the old 2F Dual Fuely, so beyond better oil, filters, plugs, leads, xtractors, do u have any other tips?? would u consider a turbo?