Calling all Travellers!

Submitted: Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 12:49
ThreadID: 140053 Views:7414 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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Good morning everyone, hope you are feeling hopeful about getting away for a little local trip soon?
If not and you're still contemplating and feeling edgy I have a little request for you experienced travellers. As you know, on ExplorOz we have 187 Trek Notes - these cover areas across the whole of Australia and include all the Len Beadell Rds, Cape York, Deserts, Coastal tracks, and much more. Surely most of you have travelled some or all of these? I noticed today that some Treks haven't received a comment for years ... why is this? Just open Treks - pick one you've done and write something helpful about your last experience in the area. It would be ideal if your report was relatively recent (eg. from last season), but if you'd like to comment on experiences that are older then that's fine too - just indicate in your comment what year your experience relates to. Thanks!

See Treks by using the Destinations heading at the top of the site.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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Reply By: Member - Warrie (NSW) - Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 14:25

Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 14:25
Just had a quick flick thru a few treks. Some comments go back to 2007 - hardly relevant to 2020. I know memory is terabytes so is not a problem these days and you could leave them all there as history. Then trekkers can evaluate the various comments and use their own discretion as to their worth. Or you could make a 5 or 7 year cutoff or some other line in the sand. Speaking of which, I am having withdrawal symptoms with this lockdown LOL ...... W

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AnswerID: 631740

Reply By: Member - nickb "boab" - Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 20:26

Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 20:26
Hmm .. yes i think we are all ready to get & about
as we all maybe getting tired of Pick this place hahah :)))
Cheers Nick b

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AnswerID: 631749

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