Saturday, Jul 04, 2020 at 09:36
I've got the Hema 150k maps, so I am certain 144k is *not* enough. But hey it's a 1.9GB file, that's *nothing* on my phone that has over 300GB of storage. In fact I have multiple maps because Hema aren't good at keeping stuff between map releases, eg. 250k maps have valid tracks the 150k don't. My map dir is 8.3GB and growing.
I also use Locus Map, great app, and have my own xml that allows me to download certain online maps that are up to zoom level 18, not sure what that is in scale terms but my guess is somewhere around 10k. The pain being it's limited to 10000 tiles a day so you have to be careful to only download what you need or it can take months.
The EO maps are good, but useless to me if I can't get the zoom level I require *offline*. I'm certainly not buying it until it gets to at least zoom 13 offline, but I don't know why they cap it, let the user decide!