Wednesday, Jun 17, 2020 at 09:32
Your "scientific question" is what?? You have not stated it.
But you have made several unscientific, but emotional, expressions.
Actually, in that region, the geological strata is pretty solid with just a thin crust of sand above. When I worked there I was not aware of any difficulty in keeping any borehole "stable".
The "roads from Adelaide" (nominally the
Strzelecki Track) are in pretty good condition because Santos etc. fund maintenance for their transport activity. You, as a recreational traveller get to enjoy the benefit of that.
Business does already "happen in the far North" because there are roads leading there.
So what are you really on about Teraa? I guess that it is an emotional concern that bad things may happen.
Well they already are happening because we, i.e. the Earth's
population, are selfishly consuming energy resources and corrupting our environment in a manner that will soon destroy our planet. Our uncaring
population will create and leave a wasteland for our children. And I am ashamed to say that I have been a part of that. I am now much more concerned with the global situation than the actions of just one small enterprise in an area that is already compromised by the carbon based energy industry.
When we 4WD'ers stop stop travelling thousands of kilometres in our diesel machines we may be entitled to point accusing fingers at miners.