How can I share my private trek with friends?

Submitted: Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 09:52
ThreadID: 140356 Views:7882 Replies:4 FollowUps:6
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I have created a private trek in ExplorOZ and I now what to share that trek with some friends who also use ExplorOZ.
How can I share my private trek with friends?
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Reply By: Frank P (NSW) - Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 10:13

Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 10:13
On the EO website main menu:

Destinations/Tracklogs/My Tracklogs.

Open the one you want, wait a few seconds for the Share options bar to display (FB, email, Pinterest, etc).

Click the bar and choose your share method from the drop down list then follow the prompts.

Page 29 of the manual if you want to review it.

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AnswerID: 632908

Reply By: Member - 4wdcamper - Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 11:32

Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 11:32
Thank you Frank.
Sadly it's not a track log, but a "Private trek" that I created as part of some planning which shows up under;
My Private Treks

AnswerID: 632909

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 16:05

Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 16:05
Sorry mate, seniors' moment.

When you say your friends also use Exploroz, do you mean they use Traveller? I presumed so.

I couldn't find it either, so asked D&M. They told me it was a very good idea, implying that private treks cannot yet be shared. As a result of your query it is being considered for the upcoming V4 of Traveller.

You can export a Trek to use in apps other than Traveller, but I'm assuming this is not what you want to do as you would probably have found that - you want to share with a Traveller user, is that correct?

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FollowupID: 909826

Reply By: Member - 4wdcamper - Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 16:22

Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 16:22
Hi Frank, Thank you once again for your reply.

Yes I want to change "My Private Trek" to public so I can then share it with friends who are joining me on a trip out west.

So last Sunday I meet up with friends and we planned out our trip out west, on paper. I then used ExplorOZ Travellers IOS version to create a "Private Trek". Now that I'm finished creating the Trek, I want to share it with my friends who are coming on the trip with me and they are also members of ExplorOZ Travelers.
I was hoping there was a button/check box which I could click on which would change the trek from private to public, and vice versa.
I have downloaded the private trek GPX file and sent to my friends. But when they import into ExplorOZ Track Logs it creates over 60 small maps instead of one map covering the whole trek.
They have loaded the GPX file into Google Maps which is great when we have Internet. But when we don't have Internet they will not have map and routing information.

I have tried to resave the private trek but I do not get an option to make it public.

Hope ExplorOZ consider an enhancement where an owner created a Trek (Public/Private) and then later change it to Public or Private.

Creating a Private Trek is great to work out a trip before you leave. But once the private trek has had all of the changes/modifications done to then be able to share that Trek with friends and others, make public.

The Track Log is great once you come back from a trip. You can upload into ExplorOZ.

AnswerID: 632914

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 20:10

Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 20:10
Hi David, for now the easiest thing to do is send to your friends the list of Places in your nav plan in order. Ensure these are all Public so they can locate them and then build their own Private Trek. Will only take 5 minutes.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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FollowupID: 909827

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020 at 17:38

Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020 at 17:38
Hi again David,
As Frank indicated to you yesterday, your request is currently being considered and for the past hour I've just had a chat with David about it. I took the liberty of looking at your particular Private Trek to see what you had created and given it you've labelled it Outback2020 and it starts in Qld and crosses the border into northern outback SA I am wondering when the planned departure for this trip is - the reason we ask is that we have come up with a possible solution and wondering if it is something we could implement in V4 (completed and now just awaiting final rollout) or is the trip later in the year or next year?) Just get back to me via the Help Desk correspondence that we've already started please. I've only posted this as an update to others who might be interested in following our response.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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FollowupID: 909839

Follow Up By: Member - 4wdcamper - Friday, Aug 14, 2020 at 10:26

Friday, Aug 14, 2020 at 10:26
I was just thinking a bit more about my suggestion for a possible enhancement to ExplorOZ and I have come up with this;

First lets not try and change how a "Private Trek" works. It does exactly what it was designed to do.

Let add a "Trek Planner" section. As this will be a new option to current/active members you will not need to try and retro fit permissions and configuration onto "Private Treks".

Trek Planner
Active member creates a trek just like a "Private Trek" but can also add in dates for locations. The Trek Planner is by default "Private" and only the creator/owner can see the trek.
The creator/owner of the trek under "Trek Planner" can then "Share" the trek with other active/current ExplorOZ members. This is done by the trek creator/owner "inviting via the active account email address of fellow ExplorOZ members. The members who are invited to see the trek have "Read Only" permissions. They cannot share and they can not modify or delete the trek. They do however have the option to "Save" a copy the trek into there "Trek Planner". Once they have saved a copy into there Trek Planner, they can modify and share to other active ExplorOZ accounts.

Once a ExplorOZ account is no longer current/active" and shared trek under Trek Planner" is removed/hidden from everyone, unless they saved a copy to there account.

FollowupID: 909857

Follow Up By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Friday, Aug 14, 2020 at 11:47

Friday, Aug 14, 2020 at 11:47
HI David,
Yes that's along the lines of what we had discussed would be the only way we could invisige this working - ie. read-only sharing of your own Private Trek to specific selected people. We had not thought of limiting the option to be a Member's only benefit - but yes that would be good.

On the idea of a Planner - as a separate new facility within the app - this is an interesting idea we have so far not considered so would be happy to hear more thoughts on what exactly this would do? I'm presuming this would be useful as a "collaborative" tool? ie. list of Places interested to visit, with a notes section to add available date options, perhaps comments about road conditions/suitability etc to be used prior to constructing the route/nav plan of the intended trek. Would that work better? to have both these facilities? If you (or anyone else) would like to add more ideas to what features the Planner could have - please add to it here in this post and we'll check back periodically. Of course this is future planning - but as you know sometimes these things just roll out in an easy solution - other times quite tricky and take a long time. Who knows. Either way, your input is welcome.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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FollowupID: 909858

Follow Up By: Member - 4wdcamper - Friday, Aug 14, 2020 at 13:53

Friday, Aug 14, 2020 at 13:53
Hi Michelle,
Yes, I think most friends have some sort of collaboration on a trek. Whether its at the pub or around a Sunday BBQ. A group will come up with a number of locations and dates they won't to visit. Then someone has to put it down on paper.
Also once the trek is finalised, being able to "overlay" the trek on your mobile app as a navigation tool would be great :)
I was thinking that creating a new facility would be simpler than going back and modifying and existing facility to perform new additional tasks.
In some ways you could copy the code and SQL table for "Private Treks" to "Trek Planner". This is because in Private Treks you can create a new trek with locations and navigation.
In the new Trek Planner, additional fields like dates next to each location and comments/conditions/suitability/permits/fees could also be added.
By keeping the sharing to only current active members means you do not have to include Gust/Anonymous/Everyone permissions when sharing.
By using the active member account email address as the means to identify a member helps by only sending a notifications saying "John Smith" has shared a Trek Planner with you and to goto ExplorOZ to accept the and view the shared trek.

I think by limiting a shared Trek Planner to read only/view only, means only the creator can make changes or delete the trek. We don't want to many cooks in the kitchen making changes! Also you would have to explain to members what permissions mean when sharing.
The group of friends can discuss amongst themselves either at the pub or another BBQ the planned trek.
Once the trek is finalised, friends can "save" a copy of the trek into there Trek Planner as there own trek. Then they can share it with others if that person wants to, make there own modifications and also overlay it on the navigation map.
It might also be good if the creator/owner of the trek can "remove" accounts he/she has shared the trek with. Of course if the un shared person has "saved" a copy of the trek that will not be affected.

So the Trek Planner will have two sub parts. Treks that have been shared to you and Treks you have created or shared treks you have saved which now appear as your own created trek.

FollowupID: 909860

Reply By: Member - 4wdcamper - Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020 at 17:49

Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020 at 17:49
Thank you for considering this request for an enhancement to ExplorOZ, wonderfull software and great support.

Email response sent into Help Desk as requested.
AnswerID: 632930

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