Friday, Aug 14, 2020 at 13:53
Hi Michelle,
Yes, I think most friends have some sort of collaboration on a trek. Whether its at the pub or around a Sunday BBQ. A group will come up with a number of locations and dates they won't to visit. Then someone has to put it down on paper.
Also once the trek is finalised, being able to "overlay" the trek on your mobile app as a navigation tool would be great :)
I was thinking that creating a new facility would be simpler than going back and modifying and existing facility to perform new additional tasks.
In some ways you could copy the code and SQL table for "Private Treks" to "Trek Planner". This is because in Private
Treks you can create a new trek with locations and navigation.
In the new Trek Planner, additional fields like dates next to each location and comments/conditions/suitability/permits/fees could also be added.
By keeping the sharing to only current active members means you do not have to include Gust/Anonymous/Everyone permissions when sharing.
By using the active member account email address as the means to identify a member helps by only sending a notifications saying "
John Smith" has shared a Trek Planner with you and to goto ExplorOZ to accept the and view the shared trek.
I think by limiting a shared Trek Planner to read only/view only, means only the creator can make changes or delete the trek. We don't want to many cooks in the kitchen making changes! Also you would have to explain to members what permissions mean when sharing.
The group of friends can discuss amongst themselves either at the pub or another BBQ the planned trek.
Once the trek is finalised, friends can "save" a copy of the trek into there Trek Planner as there own trek. Then they can share it with others if that person wants to, make there own modifications and also overlay it on the navigation map.
It might also be good if the creator/owner of the trek can "remove" accounts he/she has shared the trek with. Of course if the un shared person has "saved" a copy of the trek that will not be affected.
So the Trek Planner will have two sub parts.
Treks that have been shared to you and
Treks you have created or shared
treks you have saved which now appear as your own created trek.