Importing GPX RTE & GPX TRK to ExplorOz

Recently, we have had an increasing number of people wishing to import GPX route and GPX track files exported from Hema Explorer to ExplorOz. Some people have experienced some problems with this and we've just investigated and found the problems - and fixed it.

There have been 2 problems with the Hema GPX file exports...
Not all GPX files are the same. There are RTE (route) and TRK (track) formats inside the GPX files.

The RTE format is stored in files when the route has been made in the software on a computer/tablet/phone but not driven so the data is not derived from the GPS. This means there are no time stamps for each position recorded. Until now, we rejected this type of file in the Track Logs import because we wanted Track Logs to only represent actual driven data.

The TRK format is stored in real driven data. The positions are recorded from the GPS so this type were fine to upload into ExplorOz Track Logs - however ......

Some of the files people have tried to upload have been rejected because they were so large..... after investigating the data, we've found that the Hema GPX export hasn't removed duplicate positions (ie. when stationary but program running duplicate positions will be recorded, eg. overnight). If the Hema export program looked for duplicates it would have removed them during the export to GPX but seems it doesn't, so that causes a problem with file sizes being unnecessarily large (400% larger). We have to be very conscious of uploaded data sizes as it is very costly - we pay for this in our hosting so there are limits on what we think is reasonable.

Anyway, we understand that a lot of people might want to move their old data across to ExplorOz so to help with that, we've modified the site to cater for the larger files and we've allowed GPX files built on RTE data to also be uploaded.

Here's a screen shot of some of my Track Logs shown in the ExplorOz Traveller app.

Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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