Importing your GPX files into Exploreoz Traveller
Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 at 14:40
This Thread has been Archived
Richard C
Finally put some effort into trying to import some of my GPX files into Traveller.
I have a few GPX files I generate/ use while riding my bike.
I typically don’t use Traveller because I could not or had not worked out how to import the GPX files into it.
What I normally do is run Hema Explorer to follow the tracks.
The tracks I use in Hema are either originally exported as GPX files from a cycle app I use called Cyclemeter or ones I have made up.
Well today I have been able to import a number of GPX files into Traveller to try out on my next run.
One problem I thought I had was not being able to batch up the imports into traveller however>
If you link all your Hema maps into a Folder in Hema app the n export the Folder, recommend to use the email option, all the tracks are stored into one GPX file.
I then happily found when you upload this file into the Traveller Tracklogs (via Web page) and do a Tracklog Update in the app the individual GPX files are separated.
Probably every one knows this, I am just a bit slow but am keen to see how it goes.
An addition: I haven’t tried but may be you can manually merge your GPX files into one GPX file and achieve the same. Interested if anyone has. I used the above because I already had tracks in Folders in Hema and so was easy to do.
Reply By: TrevorDavid - Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 at 17:30
Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 at 17:30
Sort of what your after I think, but is slightly different.
In the map layer, go to my tracks & highlight my selection, then go to
track logs personal & highlight the individual tracks , this will put them onto the map. You can turn on/off the individual tracks as you want..
Follow Up By: Richard C - Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 at 18:47
Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 at 18:47
Thanks for the info.
I have done that I think, just waving the flag I managed to do it. :)
I tried once before sometime ago but without success. I think things have changed.
Finding away of bulk loading the GPX tracks was a bonus.
I did ask if any one had found another away of bulk loading the GPX files into the Web page TRACKLOGS other than using HEMA export of a Folder as I did.
The TRACKLOGS allows you to load only one GPX file at a time (I believe). So if you have 20 tracks then would have to do it 20 times. A bit of a pain.
What I found as mentioned was a way to upload the 20 tracks via one iteration.
Just wondering if merging a number of GPX files into one file works.
Follow Up By: TrevorDavid - Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 at 20:19
Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 at 20:19
Sorry I'm with you now.
No, I don't know of a way to do that. I believe that in a future update we may be able to upload files from e-mail , not sure if it will be able to load multiple files at once though.
Someone else may know or try the help desk maybe.
Follow Up By: Richard C - Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 at 20:51
Wednesday, Feb 24, 2021 at 20:51
Yep the way to upload gpx in traveller is a bit convoluted but at least it is now possible.
Hopefully they will improve in that in time.
Loading via email would be an easier way but being able to import directly from the app eijld be better I think.
While throwing around a wish list it would be great to be able to modify the tracks like colour and thickness
Thanks again