ExplorOz Calendar 2022 - Get your Photos in!
Submitted: Friday, Jul 16, 2021 at 14:26
This Thread has been Archived
ExplorOz Team - Michelle
Following on from the success of previous years, and customer demand, we are once again planning to produce a printed A4 Calendar for 2022. This will go into print in September so that it is ready for sale in our online
shop in November in time for people to purchase as Christmas gifts/send overseas etc.
That means, its time now to get your photos in for selection. As in previous years, anyone can submit photos for selection to the calendar provided the photos meet our specification criteria. Photos can be submitted by anyone that has a registered ExplorOz account (visitors and members) and you can be a professional or amateur photographer, however the print requirement for a photo to be printed at this size require high quality photos taken with high quality digital camera equipment (not phones) and due to the high quality of submissions from previous years, those serious photographers using editing
tools such as Lightroom/Photoshop are more likely to have their photos selected. See submission guidelines below:
If you're interested in submitting your photos for selection, please following the instructions below:

Instructions for photo comp submission
Get your expression of interest email in asap - no late entries accepted due to production timelines.
Entries close 20th August 2021.

2021 Calendar Cover
What photos are we looking for?
If you're the type of traveller that has a flair for taking creative, breathtaking photographs of the special
places in Australia then you need to jump on this. We'll be looking for creative, spectacular photos that whet the appetite for travel. In previous years, the photos that were selected were typically spectacular landscapes with or without a foreground subject. We are looking for the WOW factor in each image. Drone photos accepted. The finished calendar will feature 1 photo per calendar month. Printed and made in Australia and made available for sale exclusively to the ExplorOz community via our website
shop. Each of the featured photographs will include the photographer's name (and instagram account if desired), and the name of the location where the photo was taken. Plus - if your photo is selected for the calendar you'll receive 2 free calendars post-free and a featured post in our socials.
Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Monday, Jul 19, 2021 at 19:05
Monday, Jul 19, 2021 at 19:05
Official entries opened via newsletter sent today - see
Today's Newsletter