Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 12:18
I have seen that. I would describe that as a Web version, but there is also paid windows 10 version. That would correctly be described as a desktop version.
And the email specifically says if I buy the Android or Apple version, and are an EO member that I then qualify for EXCLUSIVE free access to the Desktop version. Ie I have to
sign up for the app version first.
If what you are saying is right, then why do I have to buy the app version as per the email?
From the email .
If you're an ExplorOz Member (subscription required) with an existing Traveller app licence purchased from one of the app stores, then you're in luck!
We have decided to give you exclusive access to a special DESKTOP version of the
ExplorOz Traveller app to allow you more flexibility with the devices you use for trip planning and research (not for active navigation)
BTW the capitisation of DESKTOP was by EO in the email, not me.
And when you click on the link for the EOTraveller app, it takes you to the store where you can otherwise buy the windows, Android or IOS apps.
So what is the free offer?