Free Desktop Traveller App

Submitted: Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 09:57
ThreadID: 142201 Views:5575 Replies:3 FollowUps:8
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I recently got an email from EO saying that if I had or bought this app on IOS or Android, and was a member. Then I could get the desktop version for free.

I can't find anything on this on EO and there was no expiry date mentioned in the email.

Can I get Traveller on Android, then get it for free on Windows 10? But I suppose with windows 11 it will become a moot point anyway.

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Reply By: TrevorDavid - Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 10:12

Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 10:12
G’Day BB


On the web site in My App Control Panel.

I haven’t used it as yet, I think it is web based.



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AnswerID: 637192

Follow Up By: Member - Boobook - Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 12:22

Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 12:22
Thanks David, please see my response below.

Web-based and exclusive Desktop-based are different things, or they are everywhere else in the IT industry.
FollowupID: 915204

Reply By: Frank P (NSW) - Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 11:07

Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 11:07
"Can I get Traveller on Android, then get it for free on Windows 10? "


Since you're an EO **member** already you will get free access to the **web** based, or desktop version of Traveller. This works in supported browsers (Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari I think, and not sure about Firefox) on **any** (as far as I am aware) operating system. That covers most mainstream users. Non-members, even if they own an iOS or Android version of Traveller, will not have access to the web-based version.

The web base version is available from Traveller's My App Control Panel. It does not require purchase or installation. You don't have to download maps, but you do have to download Places and Treks and Comments, which is trivial.


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AnswerID: 637193

Follow Up By: Member - Boobook - Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 12:18

Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 12:18
I have seen that. I would describe that as a Web version, but there is also paid windows 10 version. That would correctly be described as a desktop version.

And the email specifically says if I buy the Android or Apple version, and are an EO member that I then qualify for EXCLUSIVE free access to the Desktop version. Ie I have to sign up for the app version first.

If what you are saying is right, then why do I have to buy the app version as per the email?

From the email .

If you're an ExplorOz Member (subscription required) with an existing Traveller app licence purchased from one of the app stores, then you're in luck!

We have decided to give you exclusive access to a special DESKTOP version of the ExplorOz Traveller app to allow you more flexibility with the devices you use for trip planning and research (not for active navigation)

BTW the capitisation of DESKTOP was by EO in the email, not me.

And when you click on the link for the EOTraveller app, it takes you to the store where you can otherwise buy the windows, Android or IOS apps.


So what is the free offer?
FollowupID: 915203

Follow Up By: TrevorDavid - Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 13:01

Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 13:01

Yes I see what you are saying, I guess it’s in the wording.

No you don’t get the Windows version of the App for free, but you can view / use Traveller on your Desktop Browser with Windows 10, if you have the App in iOS or Android.Membership required.

I think it came about because people with iOS or Android couldn’t get it on there Windows 10 computer at home without purchasing the Windows version of the App as well. Bigger screen for trip planning

I reckon you know all that anyway .

Good on David & Michelle




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FollowupID: 915205

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 13:52

Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 13:52

Big post deleted after review. TrevorDavid's follow-up covers it.

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FollowupID: 915206

Follow Up By: Member - Boobook - Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 16:11

Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 16:11
Thanks. But to be honest, I don't understand what I get after buying the apps from the app store that I don't get now. I can browse online as a member.

FollowupID: 915211

Follow Up By: TrevorDavid - Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 17:47

Sunday, Jul 18, 2021 at 17:47

You say after buying the Apps (plural).

You only need to purchase an App (one) and be a member, the free Desktop Web version is then available.

As I said earlier I haven’t used it, but I believe it has all / most of the functions of Traveller, not to be confused with EOtopo on the web site.



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FollowupID: 915213

Follow Up By: Frank P (NSW) - Monday, Jul 19, 2021 at 10:21

Monday, Jul 19, 2021 at 10:21
The web app has functionality that simply browsing EOTopo does not have.

You can use a large-screen desktop PC, whether it be Windows, Mac, Linux, whatever, to plan, create and save your next trek - just as you would on a phone or tablet, but with the benefit and ease of using a large screen.

Later, when you're travelling, you can then open that trek in your small, in-vehicle device and use it as if it had been created on that small device.

You cannot do that when browsing EOTopo on line.

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FollowupID: 915215

Reply By: ExplorOz Team - Michelle - Monday, Jul 19, 2021 at 11:29

Monday, Jul 19, 2021 at 11:29
The others have answered but missed a few details...the reason we called it desktop is its not limited to just need a webbrowser (latest version) so this opens up using Mac desktop and old versions of Windows (not limited to Win10) etc.

The reason we created it was to enable people to plan trips using app features (eg create places and Treks) using a different device to the one they will use in the bush...people want to use their big home screen monitors. It's only of use for that plan on a big screen. There's also a lot more people using Android headunits so this gives them the ability to use it inside their home to do the planning etc. The website does not offer the navigation planning tools (ie. Treks) that the Traveller app has as Frank has said.

Yes it's a browser based version. it's online only and can't track you, has disabled navigation features. But you can build Treks and then download your data to your portable device (ie the paid app store version).

Edit: only supported by current Chrome, Edge, Opera. Not Safari or Firefox or any others.
Michelle Martin
Marketing & Customer Support
I.T. Beyond Pty Ltd / ExplorOz

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AnswerID: 637208

Follow Up By: Member - Boobook - Saturday, Jul 24, 2021 at 16:23

Saturday, Jul 24, 2021 at 16:23
Thank you, Michelle, that is actually the only explanation I understand.

So, apart from GPS tracing, would it have the same functionality as the windows version and operate similar to that or Android? ( OS dependencies aside)

FollowupID: 915295

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