Sunday, Aug 29, 2021 at 07:22
Nissan ha ha, years ago the large comms company took delivery of the last lot of Nissan Pintara's production.
They were a hodge podge of what was left in the parts
bins with weird colour combo's of interior and exterior colours and trim levels and different drivetrains . One I was given to drive had full Skyline instrument panel and dash. There were thousands of them and while most were reliable there were some doozy electrical problems.
Most concerned crook earths and as most were driven by techs with extensive electrical fault finding experience it didn't take long to find that most were ground/earth problems created on the production line, as per usual the body was painted then assembled and most earth points were
well painted which meant no of very poor earth connections. Once it was worked out where the problems were we just removed every earth point cleaned the paint off and refitted which cured most of the problems.
There were a few that were real duds though, best one was the one that dumped its entire engine and trans on the road at the second set of lights it ever stopped at! Very poor or nonexistant welds to attach crossmember to body on that one!