Friday, Sep 10, 2021 at 13:55
You asked me, "Would you recommend I purchase the Traveller version and give that a go also?"
Traveller will cost you $60. Included in that is a lo resolution map of the whole of the country. It will allow the app to provide basic functionality but contains very limited detail.
If you want the full map detail you have to buy the
EOTopo 2021 vector map pack for $50. No other maps work with Traveller, so you cannot dodge this.
I don't know if your device will run Traveller with the 2021 maps. Hence my caution in my earlier reply. For $110 it's a risk only you (or others who have used the app and maps on the same device) can assess so I am not prepared to recommend either way.
There is perhaps one other option. If your device proves unsuitable to run the
EOTopo vector maps you can try the superseded
EOTopo 2019 raster maps. They are listed in the EO Store at $95 but they are superseded in both content and performance and will not be updated. Additionally, I believe that support for those old maps in Traveller will eventually disappear, but right now they will work and will continue to work until support for them is removed in a new app version. I do not know if a date for that has been set.
If you wish to investigate this 2019 map option as a last resort you may wish to to discuss licensing and pricing issues with Michelle before committing to any experiments.