Monday, Jan 17, 2022 at 19:26
Ah the sweet smell of bovine manure, rarely absent from many Exploroz threads. Never let the facts get in the way of a biased and uniformed opinion I always say.
ABC Budget Cuts
Or in the ABC's own words:
"In 1987 the ABC famously cost eight cents a day. Adjusted for inflation and
population growth, the ABC today costs each Australian just half that amount.
Since the mid-1980s our real funding has decreased by 28% or $336 million. Our funding is 34% lower than the average of 18 comparable public broadcasters."
It's deja vu RMD, but your opinion on ABC matters deserves examination. My radar tells me it's somewhere between a load of cobblers and a crock.
Is the ABC anti-Australian? Personally I can see no evidence for that at all - in fact I think it's an outrageous and borderline paranoid view . I very much doubt the vast majority of Australians would support the notion.
While you're searching for an answer to Bigfish's question, here's one from me: what funds does the ABC "waste" exactly? Gathering together your vast experience in the provision of news, ca, entertainment, modern radio and TV
services, new broadcasting technologies etc and their related costs it shouldn't be difficult to provide a
breakdown for we less enlightened plebs. They aren't perfect by any means so tracking down this so called waste should be simple enough.
Despite your regular hyperbolic rants about the ABC , national media and ABC
feedback surveys year on year show Australians value their national broadcaster highly, significantly above the alternatives.
The ABC news and current affairs depts don't set agendas, they explore them according to the ABC Charter. First time I've seen anyone claim they stir up racial unrest, but nothing surprises wrt ignorant and hyperbolic claims made by their detractors these days.