bleeps in the forum

Submitted: Friday, Jul 05, 2002 at 00:00
ThreadID: 1432 Views:1506 Replies:6 FollowUps:2
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Question for David at Oz Explorer,, since your last trip have found the odd BLEEP in some questions ,truly BLEEP written in red ,,, is this your new form of censorship ? If this is so ,we can only commend you and say keep up the standard,there is enough bleeeeeeep rubbish on the net as is,,the sooner you implement that only REAL questions will be posted, from REAL people the better,,regards Axel.
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Reply By: ExplorOz Team - David - Friday, Jul 05, 2002 at 00:00

Friday, Jul 05, 2002 at 00:00
Bleeping in only the start. I introduced this to remove the bad words like bleep and bleep etc. I know you will only see the bleep on the two words but they were things like sh_t etc. The list is not long but will remove the real words that we do not want to see. Others can be added/removed as required. I am adding a simple registration system for post/replies etc which will validate the email address. Members will be able to post and reply without any additional setup (provided you are logged on).Regards David
AnswerID: 4698

Reply By: Rob - Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00
Welcome to Farenheight 451. Censorship is the beginning of the end. re: If this is the way this forum is going then you will lose more than you gain, starting with me. Just remember that there are other forums that supplies similar information that self regulate without the cyber police.
AnswerID: 4705

Follow Up By: Old Soldier - Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00
Rob, This forum has no equal in Oz as far as I am concerned. It has been in the past, a very happy place where like minded people have exchanged ideas on our wonderful outback, and how to travel it safely and enjoyably. It is NOT a motor vehicle forum where people come together to discuss the pros and cons of any particular vehicle - or "bag" a persons choice in buying a particular vehicle. True, there are many topics about motor vehicles appearing in the forum, but they are usually general questions which are answered by forum members in the spirit they are asked. Lately a lot of this seems to be changing and there are nasty elements creeping in. If regulating this forum will push those elements back out of the forum then I say - Let's regulate. The genuine people who are here to exchange ideas about the bush and how to travel it will not be upset. In fact we can all get back to remaking this forum the great place it once was. there are NO cyber police - that is emotional claptrap. Anyone who is offended by any regulation is probably better off not coming here, and if that includes you Rob, all I can say is "Bye Bye".
FollowupID: 1999

Reply By: Steve - Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00
Let us not forget we are guests of David and Michelle here! It their place and they set the rules. Well done ExploreOz team in having one of the best web sites and forums going, and for taking the care to program in mods that can only make it better :)
AnswerID: 4707

Reply By: dave - Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00
David and Michelle, firstly congratulations on a really well put together and informative site, as mentioned above it has no equal anywhere (that i have found anyway). Secondly congratulations on being some of the lucky few who have found a way to turn their passion into the living. Thirdly, bring on the registration, I often refer people to this forum and am most embarrased when i then log on to find the rubbish and even verbal harrasment offered by (what is probably) the same few. Those who are concerned about free speech should do a little soul searching and realise that with every right comes a responsibility, in this case it is not unfair for a person to believe that they are conversing with a "real" identity rather than multiple screen names of the same individual. I applaud the steps that you are about to take, and if anyone would rather opt out because of them, then I believe that their offerings may not have done much to rasie the bar of intellectual or enthusiatic discussion anyway. DAve
AnswerID: 4708

Reply By: Rob - Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00
David and Michelle, one for the road, you do have a good site,good information, tips etc, its too bad about the direction of the forum. As for the detractors of my previous post, it must be sad to be unable to accept a point of view of or thoughts different to yours. If you cannot accept critism or differences in views in cyber space, no face to face contact, then what are you like in everyday life. It would be interseting to meet some of you in a social manner, as opionions are formed based on the posts, just to see if the "forum" identity is the person. There is too much "lets regulate" as a cop out for those who wish to impose their beliefs wth impunity. The answer being banish those who's opinion differs.
My previous posts, have always stated an opinion,I have never "bagged" anyones point of view, yet its now conform or exit.
As Snaglepuss once said " Exit, stage left"
AnswerID: 4710

Follow Up By: Cruiser - Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00
On the contrary, Rob. As a number of people have pointed out, this site is about accepting others' opinions. However, there is a difference between 'accepting' and 'agreeing with'. Whilst I acnowledge and support your right (or anyone else's) to hold opinions, I do not always agree with some of those opinions, especially the language in which they are often expressed (this is not aimed at you personally - it is a general comment on some of the recent posts). The more tolerant, educated and experienced forum members also recognise this. The whole concept of a forum is to enable the free exchange of ideas, opinions and information, perhaps to argue a case or even to try and convince others of your point of view. However, the overriding principle needs to be that we can engage in this form of dialogue whilst maintaining at least a modicum of respect for our fellow contributors. This is the same as we would hope for in any social situation you care to think of. We all have the right to be heard - at the same time we all have a right not to be abused or to be subjected to some of the blatant attacks we have seen on the forum recently.
Someone (it may have been you - I can't see the rest of the posts as I am typing this) mentioned self-regulation rather than moderation or control. I would fervently hope that this reply may cause those who flame or abuse to take note. As others have said, this is a great forum. It's up to all of us to show that we are mature enough to maintain our dialogue at a level which will not require David's intervention.
I, for one, would urge you to stay, to express your opinions and to contribute your knowledge and experience.
FollowupID: 2000

Reply By: MarkC - Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00

Saturday, Jul 06, 2002 at 00:00
Rob, I don't think the issue of registration is about suppressing peoples beliefs, opinions or views. It is about eliminating an undesireable element which has crept into this great forum in the last couple of months. I appreciate the work that David and Michelle put into this forum and registration is fine by me. Cheers.
AnswerID: 4711

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