Sunday, Jul 31, 2022 at 15:45
An update on my post…
After some helpful discussions with EO, I have learned the following:
If a user is online, then it is possible to export a GPX (or some other format options) of a personal Trek (or Personal Place) as follows:
• Open the EO site using a browser
• Go into your user account
• Go into Traveller control panel
• Select My Personal
Treks (or My Personal
• Select the Personal Trek or Place to be exported
• Scroll down to Map button
• Export (“Download”) the Trek or Place
• Select the export format option (GPX, CSV, OziExplorer, Hema Navigator)
• The Trek will appear as in your Downloads folder (if using Windows browser)
• Note that you cannot do this export via any of the EOT apps themselves only via the EO website using a browser
• Once the Export file is in your Downloads folder, you can then share the file via Airdrop (iOS devices) or any other available means and open the Personal Trek in EOT on a mobile device or open the Trek in any other app that opens or imports GPX (or that type of) file
• It should be noted, however, that
• You can only create an Export file if you have internet
• You can only create it via a browser not any of the EOT apps themselves
• Therefore this system does not address the situation where you are out bush and need to create a Trek in (say) the EOT app on your iOS device and want to then share it (or share a Personal Place) via Airdrop or similar. This scenario is not uncommon when you are out bush a lot and there needs to be a change in plans (hence a new Personal Trek) or more information comes to light and you want to create and share additional Personal
Places perhaps as waypoints or points of interest. In such cases you may want to share the new info with other devices on your own EOT account (you may be running EOT on more than one navigation device in the cabin, as we do) or with friends who run EOT on their own devices using their own EOT account, or your own or others devices running other navigation software.
• However the procedure above shows it is possible to share Personal
Places or
Treks by creating a download file when you have internet which this can then be shared later on even if you do not have internet assuming you can use a sharing system such as Airdrop