Tuesday, Sep 20, 2022 at 21:32
check here for some info and to see if they do a Lokka for the front diff of your vehicle. Your LSD in the rear may be fine as it is.
The lokka would change your whole offroad experience. Since you have manual hubs it will work
well for you. Lokkas are designed to be permanantly locked until you turn the wheel and one wheel wants to travel less distance than the other and with minimal friction the lokka simply unlocks that side until foward motion requires it to lock again - happens in an instant. They are ultra reliable if installed correctly. (have to ensure that equal pressure on each wheel elicits unlocking once installed) They are very forgiving in soft sand and mud as far as turning goes compared to air lockers etc. I assume your Colorado would have an LSD in the rear. You can improve its perfomance by replacing the oil with Penrite diff oil Probably a 75/90 grade just
check the specs for your vehicle.. Penrite already has the correct LSD additives but performs better than anything else I have found in LSDs.
Personally have had a lot of experience with Lokkas over the last 20 odd years and have had one on a GQ Patrol for that time as
well and it has been fantastic - always works and allows far more steering control than other locking systems.
Tyres - whatever size you choose will be OK but if you need mud tyres just get some for your second set. Nothing else will see you overcome the challenge you describe as easily. Search out some Westlake Mud Legends (They are also marketed under Goodride). Opinions may discourage you (they are a cheaper tyre and sales people have always tried to sell us different brands) but unless someone has actually owned and used them it will just be an opinion. You will not pay a fortune for them, they are better on wet bitumen than most other Muddies I have tried but you will still need to be vigilant in the wet as with any mud tyre. I only suggest them as I have trialled them for close on 4 years now and they are far better all round than most other brands at twice the price. There are quite a few of us using them with no problems or complaints - a good find when caught short in remote WA they are Used extensively in the
Pilbara (mining industry), admittedly Chinese manufacture but for your purposes they would be safe, reliable, affordable as a second set and one of the tougher tyres I have used.
Tyre width, Personally I use a wider high profile tyre which allows me to reduce air pressure more than a smaller tyre giving advantages in traction and ride comfort. The old argument of exposing the side wall to damage certainly applies to some types of tyre but the westlakes and many other quality offroad 3 ply LT tyres handle this fine.
Play with your tyre pressure and just guage how your tyre looks (remember your physics - PSI relates to the pounds per square inch - surface area - inside the tyre). If you have too much bulge you do risk rolling the tyre off the rim but that would likely occur below 12-15 psi and by driving carelessly, turning sharp etc etc. Experience and thinking things through are the key.
I have a fair bit of experience offroad, UG mining and recovering heavy machinery UG so if you have any specific questions I am happy to reply.
Others will have other experiences to share,