3 way fridge for GQ Patrol?

Submitted: Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 18:48
ThreadID: 14521 Views:3114 Replies:5 FollowUps:6
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A few words from Sparkies brother.

First of all thanks for the feed back on the GQ Patrol 2.8 ltr deisel. The vehicle that I purchased a few weeks ago has been a dream come true with all the bits and pieces, snorkel, bull/tow bars. sidesteps, dual batteries and a rear step.
It also has still good tread on the tyres and suspension is still o.k.
In regards to a fridge for my Patrol what would an ideal size be to go camping with and would a 3 way fridge be the go?
I'm one of those people who would buy one only and would like to run it on my second battery which has been set up for by the previous owner.

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Reply By: Ferret - Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 18:52

Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 18:52
Three way fridges are not made to run on 12v! Great on gas, good on 240v and will maintain it's temp while the car is running on 12v. If you turn your car off it will flatten your batt in less than an hour
AnswerID: 67155

Reply By: Brew69(SA) - Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 19:12

Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 19:12
How many people are you using it for? How long between shopping stops? Most people i think seem to use either the 39l engel or the 40 l waeco. We have six peoples food when we go away, so i got a 70l waeco. And as ferret says 3 ways are not much good on 12V.
AnswerID: 67159

Follow Up By: Member - Sparkie (QLD) - Saturday, Jul 10, 2004 at 20:11

Saturday, Jul 10, 2004 at 20:11
sparkies brother,
thanks for the reply as I would have not thought of the number of people that would have used it. At the moment I am single and only use it for myself. Although I was thinking that one day it will be used for maybe two or three people.
I guess I shall have to do some research before i make up my mind
FollowupID: 327977

Reply By: Jimbo - Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 20:31

Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 20:31

Here's my two bob's worth. I've got an Engel and a Chescold. The Chescold is next to useless on 12v, it won't actually hold temp (it is 12 years old but was useless on 12v from new). Works great on gas and 240v. However the electric element has gone to God (common problem) and at $150 to fix I haven't bothered, I just use it on gas. They are great if you plan to prop in one spot for a long time and run it on gas. They use about half a kilo og gas per day and get REALLY cold. This of course means you have to carry gas bottles. 3 ways run on some form of old technology (inneficient) where heat can produce cold; this died a natural in the 1940's when gas and kerosine fridges made way for electric compressor fridges.

A 12v compressor fridge is a far more efficient beast. Only disadvantage is if you stay in the one spot for a long time you'll run out of battery power. If you're going to do a bit of driving each day or two you should keep enough charge in your battery to run the fridge. This depends on the capacity, quality and condition of your second battery. Check the archives for battery information, there is plenty. I am a fan of AGM batteries because they recharge quicker than a standard wet cell deep cycle, but at around $350 for a decent 100 amp job aren't cheap.

Since having my Engel the Chescold has been in semi-retirement. When I next go to Fraser I plan to stay for over a week and will take the Chescold (and the Engel) then and just run off gas; on the trip there I will use it as an esky and hook up the gas on arrival.

Keep in mind the 12v can run as a freezer, and does so very well. There is a contributor to this forum who swears by his technique of running the fridge on freeze and rotating frozen 2L bottles of water through the freezer to keep the perishables cold in an esky; bloody good idea whilst also keeping a supply of frozen food.

All in all go the 12v compressor. Waeco offer an excellent fridge for a lot less than an Engel, they are well worth looking at and come extra cheap via the "Fridge Shop" (check them out on the net).

Size? Have a look at them and see what suits you needs.

Good luck with your projects,

AnswerID: 67169

Follow Up By: Member - Sparkie (QLD) - Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 20:47

Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 20:47
Thanks Jim, on behalf of my brother I appreciate the amount of trouble you went through to explain yourself. Not only will my brother get something out of it but I have learned a lot out of it as well.

May your fridge hold plenty of the good stuff. ;-)

Sparkie(IE not Y) ;-)
FollowupID: 327928

Follow Up By: Jimbo - Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 21:06

Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 21:06
Doesn't hold it too long just quietly.

FollowupID: 327933

Reply By: Gazzaa - Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 20:58

Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 20:58
I also have both and agree with all above comments.

I use the engel in the Truck for trips but the Chescold is just fantastic for fishing trips where we access the back of Dartmouth Dam via water so the Chescold and a gas bottle is in it's element for the week we are there. It will freeze fish and as the boat is down at water level and we camp up the hill there is no other w3ay to handle it without a 240v geny.

BIG CAUTION on the Chestcold!!!!! Take note it's a potential KILLER!!!!!

Never ever try to light the gas in the Chestcold inside the vehicle!!!

The gas build up can be lethal if it dosent light first time.

The Bro in law tried to do that on the first night of his honeymoon and ended up in hospital just a short way from heaven!!! Good way to torch the vehicle!!

Safe and happy camping to you all
AnswerID: 67177

Follow Up By: Jimbo - Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 21:10

Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 21:10
Good advice G. I would suggest that the gas leak problem was more around the fixing of leads to bottles and the fridge. The fridge itself has a Bi-metal gas cut off if the pilot goes out. Great safety device that has never failed that I know of.

I hope you BIL is happy to be alive LOL.

Good luck with your projects,

FollowupID: 327935

Follow Up By: Member - Sparkie (QLD) - Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 21:47

Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 21:47
He got more bang out of his honeymoon than he had planned on.LOL

Sorry I can't imagine it being fun to get blown up or burnt but it sounds like a good story to tell his kids about.

If we get a Chestcold we will be carefull and thanks for the warning.

Sparkie(IE not Y) ;-)

FollowupID: 327941

Follow Up By: Gazzaa - Monday, Jul 12, 2004 at 16:16

Monday, Jul 12, 2004 at 16:16
The accumulated gas was not from a leak rather a build up from a number of unsuccessful attempts to light it. IE there is a button which allows the gas to flow when the bimetal is cold and after it lights you need to hold it for about a minute to allow it to heat and allow the gas to keep flowing.

What he did was push the button and then the igniter, he assume it was alight so held the button for the minute and released it, when he could feel no het he repeated the process again unsuccessfully. on about the forth attempt the whole thing erupted in a fireball.

Another incident on Cape York last year should also serve a warning.
60 Series pulls up for the night at a camp ground somewhere between Bramwell Station and the Jardine on the OTT.
Sets up Chescold beside rear wheel and lights it up.
Then decides to refuel vehicle with petrol from the jerry.
Spills a bit on the ground beside the Chescold and wakes up in Cairns Hospital with bad burns after a medivac by the Flying Doctor.
The vehicle was totally destroyed.

Problem is the Chescold is so poor on 12v you need to get Gas running ASAP to keep the food cold.

If you do use the Chescold it must be dead flat, I have a button spirit level on mine and use rocks or sticks to get it dead level, then it works a treat.

FollowupID: 328162

Reply By: Magnus - Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 22:55

Friday, Jul 09, 2004 at 22:55

As the others say. Depends on the type of use. If you go to A and stay a week or so then 3 way is definitely the best.

If your trips are daily hops to A B C D E F F H I then 3 way is not the answer as they have trouble on 12 volts.

So, horses for courses. Nearly all my trips are to A for a long camp so 3 way works a treat for me.


AnswerID: 67193

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