Submitted: Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 07:33
ThreadID: 145343 Views:3078 Replies:11 FollowUps:5
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Anyone else having trouble with the mic cord outer sheathing desintergrating, I replaced my mic about 6 months ago at $130.00 and it is crumbling.
Where it is mounted it rarely ever sees direct sunlight.
Not what I would expect from a genuine GME product.
Have contacted GME and they want proof of purchase but that has long since returned to a blank piece of paper.
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Reply By: Stephen L (Clare) SA - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 07:59

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 07:59
Did you buy from an authorised dealer or eBay?

If dealer, they will have the proof you need.

If eBay, best of luck and could even be a knock off?
Smile like a Crocodile

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AnswerID: 642887

Follow Up By: qldcamper - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 08:22

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 08:22
Picked it up at a truck stop somewhere between newcastle and brisbane, cant remember where but it was in a genuine GME sealed blister pac.
FollowupID: 922469

Follow Up By: Stephen L (Clare) SA - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 08:32

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 08:32
If you paid by credit card, you can go back through your statements and see where you purchased it from.

GME are usually a great and easy company to deal with, but looking from their side, they are looking for proof that it is a genuine hand piece.

If all else fails, go to your nearest authorised dealer and hopefully they should be able to help you out.
Smile like a Crocodile

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FollowupID: 922470

Reply By: AlbyNSW - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 09:02

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 09:02
You need to leave more food scraps in your car to change the rats diet :)

I have never seen that happen before, even my 19 yo one that cops some sun is fine. Hope they sort it for you they are pretty good to deal with
AnswerID: 642888

Reply By: Member - Norm & Lisa - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 09:18

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 09:18
Had the same happen to an ICOM cord that didn't see any sun but it was a few years old before it started to go. I put some flexible conduit around it and a bit of tape and was good for a bit longer before I eventually replaced it.
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Norm & Lisa

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AnswerID: 642889

Reply By: Member - Jim S1 - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 10:02

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 10:02
You don't have any sort of "pollutant" on your hands ? Insect spray, oil, grease, etc which might affect the plastic ?
Mine is still perfect after 7 years.

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AnswerID: 642890

Follow Up By: qldcamper - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 12:43

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 12:43
Hmmm, could have been hand steriliser, but to get such an even coverage would take a bit of care.
FollowupID: 922471

Reply By: Bob Y. - Qld - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 11:39

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 11:39
Have seen this happen on a number of units, with no apparent reason for doing so. Often in similar operating conditions, such as extreme temps, high UV & contaminants, one fails, the others last “forever”.

Just wonder if Jim is on the money with his thoughts on the issue?


Seen it all, Done it all.
Can't remember most of it.

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AnswerID: 642891

Reply By: Member - Bigfish - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 13:08

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 13:08
Same as Bob. I,ve seen this on numerous cables from all makes. No apparent reason either.
AnswerID: 642892

Follow Up By: qldcamper - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 14:40

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 14:40
Most likley a dud batch out of china, just stings a bit when you just paid for a new mic then have to fork out another 35 on a new cord.
FollowupID: 922472

Reply By: Allan B (Sunshine Coast) - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 17:52

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 17:52
Further to what Jim has said:
I have manufactured several hundred listening devices for hearing impaired persons. These devices used headphones of the type readily available on the retail market. Over the period of about 5 years approximately 10 or more were returned with the headphone cord embrittled in the region of the cord Y-junction which sits close to the chest of the user. This resulted in the cord plastic coating crumbling off. No other part of the cord ever became embrittled.

There was some limit to how much questioning I could make to my clients so I never was able to isolate the problem, it was reported by both male and female users. It even happened to a pair of headphones I used personally in the workshop. I came to the conclusion that it was somehow related to body skin products, maybe sweat, but never solved it. Note that the problem was confined to the yoke section of the cord only even though in my phones at least, there was no degradation elsewhere on the cord.

But in your case at least Qldcamper, I would put my money on some product on your hands as the damaged zone is likely to be in regular contact at that point.

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AnswerID: 642893

Reply By: Bazooka - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 18:40

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 18:40
Had a similar thing happen 2 years ago to an older set. Once it starts you might save it via tape but I left it and reaped the result - almost full length delamination.

Wrote to GME (they were VERY slow to respond but it was covid) about replacement options and they said: "The curly cord for this microphone has been redesigned and stronger than previous versions of microphones sold with the TX3500S."

The cords were nearly (sorta) as expensive as a discounted handset so I bought a McGrath Foundation pink one. Sadly still has a black curly cord tho.

Probably a standard first response from GME Qld so I'd just say you no longer have the receipt. If they don't come to the party feel free to use my quote as they obviously acknowledge there were problems with some cords.

AnswerID: 642894

Reply By: Michael ( Moss Vale NSW) - Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 19:21

Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 at 19:21
The cord is ok on my GME microphone, it's the soft touch rubber that went sticky, so had to peel it off. Now it really looks bad.
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AnswerID: 642895

Reply By: Mikee5 - Sunday, Feb 19, 2023 at 13:19

Sunday, Feb 19, 2023 at 13:19
Same thing happened to me. I bought a new microphone and put very small spiral wrap around that part of the cord. I attributed the failure to either sun or constant flexing. If it was something on my hand it would only be dirt!!!
AnswerID: 642899

Follow Up By: Allan B (Sunshine Coast) - Sunday, Feb 19, 2023 at 15:35

Sunday, Feb 19, 2023 at 15:35
Never get 'sweaty palms' eh Mikee?? lol

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FollowupID: 922477

Reply By: Joe Fury - Sunday, Feb 19, 2023 at 18:03

Sunday, Feb 19, 2023 at 18:03
G'day qldcamper

The loss of 'life' if that is a way to describe something like rubber losing it's integrity is not uncommon since the introduction of Butyl rubber, not much out there these days of things being labeled rubber actually being true rubber, inner tubes and the like, if these have yellow brand markings they are not rubber, if the product has blue markings they are rubber.
Now to the radio hand piece curly wire sheath falling apart, it too is not uncommon and I for one don't believe hand sanitizer of bug spray or aftershave has anything to do with your 'curly' bits falling off.

Here are a couple of images of my 'curly' bits on my Codan 9323 HF Radio microphone hand piece, the deterioration started happening about two years after installing the unit, this install was done about 25 years ago, all the 'rubbery bits' have long gone, it's ugly as sin but still works just fine, the VKS 737 operator didn't complain about radio performance the last time I checked in with them.

Safe travels : Joe
AnswerID: 642903

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