breaking news terracan recovers nissan patrol

Submitted: Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 18:12
ThreadID: 14567 Views:2143 Replies:6 FollowUps:11
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Dreams do come true during our trip to the bunyip state forest had the luck to be able to assist a nissan owner recover his stuck Patrol after we found one of the tracks inpassable and the patrol was unable to back out without assistance. It was also good to see that at the end of the day it was terracan 2 Patrol 0 as the patrol also broke one of the arms to his rear sway bar. Now to complete my dream I looking for a LC to recover bring on the 24 of JUL any takers Got to make the most of this as I think it will be me that needs pulling out rather than the Patrols or LC but boy after yesturday I beleive that these Teracan even with there limited travel on the front suspension do a great job for the money you pay for them I have also sent some photos to Eric who is going to post them with his photos of gembrook
thanks in advance Eric for that
Thanks for a great day Jim and Mack
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Reply By: Member - Ruth D (QLD) - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 19:00

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 19:00
Well done Tincan.
AnswerID: 67351

Reply By: Member Eric - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 19:11

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 19:11
As we speak . I have 2 friends that called to say HELP . Was loading up the car to recover 4 vehicles stick in Toolangi . I then rang to ask for a location and was given co ordinants , which pointed to a closed track . I rang up to confurm this , I have ofered to take in food and water to the nearest open track, there all bleep *d off asking why i wont go tot get them . My answer was ......... well if your stupid enought to enter a closed track , I shouldnt expect you to know why I wont come to get you
AnswerID: 67353

Follow Up By: Muddy 'doe (SA) - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 19:20

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 19:20
Nice one Eric...... They'll learn soon enough.
FollowupID: 328073

Follow Up By: terracan tim - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 19:32

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 19:32
Eric talking of cordinates having not much to do with GPS before took my new pda and gps with us on the weekend it was give me cordinates of 38"20.200's 145"54.755'e but the map we had the rooftops gembrook-noojee forest activties map and the cordninates on it are 57 99 then 03 82 is there some way to convert from one to the other or do we need a better map

FollowupID: 328074

Follow Up By: Member - Nick K (VIC) - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:07

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:07

Who got stuck?

FollowupID: 328079

Follow Up By: Member - Sparkie (QLD) - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:08

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:08
Eric, Just so I know, when you say closed track does that mean closed to traffic or does it mean dead end?
Sorry for the simpelton question but I wish to be sure. I am pretty sure you mean closed to traffic.

Sparkie(IE not Y) ;-)
FollowupID: 328080

Follow Up By: Member - Nick K (VIC) - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:12

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:12

Closed means closed to traffic.

FollowupID: 328081

Follow Up By: Mad Dog (Victoria) - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 21:46

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 21:46
Tim, your map is fine mate just change the gps to operate in UTM mode or the grid that the map uses..could be AMG which is the same as UTM with AGD66 as the datum. I use this system all the time, degree, minutes and seconds mean nothing to me. The UTM system uses metres
from a reference point.

Here's a bit of guff from the web:

The UTM system divides the earth into 60 zones each 6 degrees of longitude wide. These zones define the reference point for UTM grid coordinates within the zone. UTM zones extend from a latitude of 80° S to 84° N. In the polar regions the Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) grid system is used.

UTM zones are numbered 1 through 60, starting at the international date line, longitude 180°, and proceeding east. Zone 1 extends from 180° W to 174° W and is centered on 177° W.

UTM grid coordinates are expressed as a distance in metres to the east, referred to as the "easting", and a distance in metres to the north, referred to as the "northing".

FollowupID: 328100

Follow Up By: Member - Glen O (NSW) - Monday, Jul 12, 2004 at 08:12

Monday, Jul 12, 2004 at 08:12
On the money Ray.
FollowupID: 328121

Reply By: Member - Sparkie (QLD) - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:18

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:18
Well done Terracan tim but at closer inspection it seems your car looks pretty clean? You werent carrying a chamois with you for when the car got dirt on it.Your car looked like it was brand new. ;-)

All the photos showed you about to enter the mud but where is the proof. I want to see muddy cars like that cruiser.

With the lack of rain this is as close as I get to a mud fix.;-);-)

Dammit, How can I learn if it wont rain.........

Anyhow I look forward to hearing about your next adventure.

Sparkie(IE not Y) ;-)
AnswerID: 67365

Follow Up By: terracan tim - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:37

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:37
thats the problem when you are the only one with the camera mack and jim will testify that my car was the dirtiest by far at the end of the day that mud hole I went through twice the first in high second at about 4000 rpm my terracan is the white one if you look at the pic of jims the grey one see the tree stump I was going that hard I missed the stump by mimeters as i was sliding so hard sideways the car is that dirty it going to take days to clean it got to love the mud looking at my car underneath you would not think it is 4 months old and done 1500kms but i brought it to play in the mud
FollowupID: 328085

Follow Up By: Muddy 'doe (SA) - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 21:45

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 21:45
1500km in 4 months?????

I have had the Prado since March 10 and have just clocked 6250km. What have you been DOING Tim ???? Too much time on the forum if you ask me...LOL

Looks like it was fun out there. Although you have not had real fun until you have been hopelessly bogged. I can now say I have been there and done that!

FollowupID: 328099

Follow Up By: terracan tim - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 22:05

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 22:05
that should have 4 weeks not 4 months it only comes out to play on weekends use my other car during the week but it will get more use once i move to katherine in the nt in september

FollowupID: 328101

Reply By: Lone Wolf - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:25

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 20:25
Gotta love those David and Goliath stories! Good work mate.


AnswerID: 67366

Reply By: Member - Sparkie (QLD) - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 21:38

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 21:38
Terracan tim, Looks like a fine place to get lost!
I just looked at where you were on my Discover Aus CD and I cannot believe all the the tracks! You would need a week to explore the place.

Sparkie(IE not Y) ;-)
AnswerID: 67377

Follow Up By: terracan tim - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 22:07

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 22:07
you are not wrong we plan to spend the weekend of the 24/25 jul up there i am hoping that we will get some other members there for the weekend or even just one of the days eric said he will show us around
FollowupID: 328102

Reply By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 23:01

Sunday, Jul 11, 2004 at 23:01
AnswerID: 67389

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