Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023 at 11:46
Not Toyota but another brand.
This isn't dealer bashing, simply alerting people to the type of things all dealers are capable of if they try it on.
People I know
well purchased a new Mazda CX5 from Melb,
After a short while the sound and nav system played up/ no worky. Their local dealer was asked to fix the problem. They replaced the Aerial and input lead, updated the Head unit, changed some components in dash and loom sections associated with the issue.
No change. Owners contacted the Melb dealer and he asked if they had fitted a dash cam or other ciggy plug in device. They had done so, he asked them to ONLY plug it in AFTER the Mazda system has started up because some popular add ons conflict with system signals at startup. All good. He also asked what their local dealer had ordered and replaced. They listed those items to him, he checked the national Mazda data base for confirmation of the parts and items updated or replaced. He found NO items had ever been ordered for, or fitted to, that vehicle Vin Number for warranty purposes. Local dealer claimed they performed those actions.
Always ask for proof of anything done!