Sunday, Dec 03, 2023 at 00:20
From what you have said in your original question, do you really know what you are on about?
You say your GPS has sent you off to the wrong place…..
This has nothing to do what so ever with a GPS, but rather the navigation system you are using.
As for relying on your in car navigation in your Toyota and your big Garmin, it sounds like you are using navigators that are only designed for city use and true remote locations around Australia.
I suggest that you get yourself a true moving map setup with a dedicated GPS receiver that will talk only to your dedicated moving map system and give you extremely accurate details of your exact location.
I have been using OziExplorer for nearly 20 years, with dedicated, topographical maps of the area we are travelling through a laptop computer coupled with a GPS received.
This system is not used as an go to system, but purely a moving map to give my precise location on the map. If you did not want to use a system like I use, the HEMA HX2 is a very simple plug and play system with accurate maps.
Modern true standalone GPS receivers have changed over the years and depending on the receiver you are using, you will have an accuracy of 4 metres or less.
There has only been one time ever when we were doing a 15 kilometre hike to a degree confluence location near
Woomera where my GSP started off with an accuracy of 2 metres and then an hour into the walk blew out to 150 metres accuracy and as quick as it blew out, returned to normal when we arrived at the confluence.
Further enquires after the walk through other sources, I found out that the US were going GPS jamming texting in
As has already been mentioned, all the GPS are at set, fixed location in spaced, and that data is then received anywhere on the earths surface that can receive GPS Data, the very same data that is used for PLB’s that are used in life threatening situations, SPOT GPS trackers etc.
So rather blaming the GPS system, blame the systems you are using and upgrade to a true moving map system.