Tuesday, Dec 19, 2023 at 12:59
Allan, I appreciate that you have drawn a line under the thread that you started but hope you don't mind my late thoughts on the subject.
I rather liked the suggestion of the urinal blocks. Whilst my evidence concerning their efficacy is anecdotal I am sure others can back it up. I have been visiting urinals for a long time and can say enequivocally that I have never seen either a rat or a mouse in the vicinity of one. Now I realise that there may be other factors involved such as the fact that the lights are usually on when I visit and they may also be the deterrent. Then there is the reason that blokes visit the urinal that could be putting the critters off.
So, considering everything, if I was you, and you are particularly keen to keep the blighters out of your engine bay, you should combine the three remedies ie lights, urinal blocks and -
well you know the third one. As a suggestion, given your advancing years (and probable weakening prostate) you might need a stool to assist with access to the bull bar in order to achieve the objective. Oh and as my GP tells me all the time - drink plenty of fluids !!
Good luck mate and hope I have helped.