Cape York Info

Submitted: Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 00:13
ThreadID: 14978 Views:2491 Replies:5 FollowUps:2
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Hi Everyone
Just some info for those of you going to the Cape soon. The road to the Weipa/Cape turnoff is rather good and the drive into Weipa is good also. Weipa was great as usual, perfect weather and a nice place to fish and relax. The road through Batavia Downs was good too with only one really slippery crossing. The O.T.L was so much better this time than 2 years ago and we made good time on it too, just watch out for the bulldust holes along the way. We hit one not even doing 50klms and we almost flipped the 4BY. At Palm Ck they are using the bypass track now and the old one is very washed out and almost dry. Maybe in time they will reuse it again. The Dulcie is deep so pick your path accordingly and if you have a snorkel then you will be ok. Gunshot was good going down it even though there is a very deep muddy drop off at the end of it. If you stay within the wheel tracks going down it and you will be ok. We had heard that two 4WD’s with trailers had turned over whilst going up it on their return journey (and another one had a mishap while we were in Lakefield on our way home). I’m sure more have come to grief on it since then. Calamody was a bit of a shocker, we got thrown around on the deceptive jump up coming out of it. It has probably been leveled out by now. Cockatoo Ck was good going down it but it would be quite slippery on the southern side by now. The road to Elliot & Fruit Bat Falls was rough as usual with Scrubby Ck getting soft on the bottom and quite slippery on the northern side as more people use it. We didn’t do that part of the O.T.L. but headed to the ferry on the northern bypass road. The ferry is $88 per car “only” and for what, a permit and a black garbage bag? I would love to know what they do with the money. Old Barnsey used to only charge $20 when he used to do it. The road to Bamaga is pretty good and they have actually done some good work on the road into the towns. Maybe this is where the ferry money goes? We did the Horn Is tour which was pretty pricey but really well worth it. If you are planning to go make sure you get on Venessa’s bus, she is very good. We had a stop over earlier on T. Is before heading to Horn Is but didn’t do that tour, we just browsed around in the “one” main street there. Our highlight to the TIP was another “sunset” viewing with wine and nibbles. If you go this is a must, it is so peaceful and so pretty. Pajinka is still run down and disgustingly shameful, which is a shame as I remember how nice it was while camping there in ’88 with the kids. Maybe one day “someone” will get their act together and get it up and running again. As for the “grog” thing it IS being monitored and the sign for this is right at the Ferry, how smart!!!. We were checked for grog and breath tested near Bamaga the day we left. A 24 pack of 4X gold will set you back $48 at the Bamaga canteen. The south bypass road was very corrugated, so what else is new…lol The road through Heathlands to the Dulhunty R was quite good. The road going south into Lakefield from Nifold Plains to the Kalpower Ranger Base is very badly wheel rutted so watch out for them. A near new 4WD found out the hard way and completely totaled it on a corner there, not a pretty site. We had heard later in Cooktown that the people involved were all right. The road to the Bloomfield/Wajul Wajul is exempt from grog but go off of it and you could be in deep trouble. We didn’t know about this being a “dry” area until we saw the sign at the Lion’s Den (another, how smart!!!)
All in all, if you plan to go take care and take your time and allow for delays.
Only one last hint:- watch out for the “IDIOTS” that think they are the only ones on the road. There were a lot of near misses and if only people didn’t let their brains or what little they had go on holidays too we would all be safer.
: )
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Reply By: Member - Cruisin (QLD) - Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 07:21

Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 07:21
Great report Trippin.
We are heading up next weekend on the 31Jul04. Sounds like the roads are in reasonable shape.

Cannot wait.
Cheers Cruisin
AnswerID: 69478

Follow Up By: Tripp'n Around - Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 11:12

Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 11:12
Hi Cruisin,

Thanks for that and that is what it is for, just a guide.
But if you know the Cape, you will know anything can happen.
We were very happy with the roads this time, the best they have been in 3 years so the locals were saying.
Have you room in the back?
I love the Cape and hopefully we will include it again in the next big trip we do in 2 years.

FollowupID: 329799

Reply By: Tripp'n Around - Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 11:18

Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 11:18
Hi Cruisin

Oppppppppppps.......By The Way.......Have A Great Time Too.

AnswerID: 69501

Reply By: locallaw - Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 14:37

Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 14:37
Gidday All,I am really $%#issed off with these alcohol restrictions.My wife and I and friends went to a aborignal settlement recently and were only allowed to take 1 carton of mid or lite yet the the locals in the settlement were allowed to walk around totaly %$$^%$@sed outside the local lockup (they were drinking heavys)We had to drive the car off the road to pass them.The fee to camp there was $35.00 a day.What you got was a filthy toilet (hadnt been cleaned in months) and a cold shower nothing else.
Just a little whinge
Seeya Locallaw
AnswerID: 69525

Follow Up By: Tripp'n Around - Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 15:07

Sunday, Jul 25, 2004 at 15:07
Hi Local
Yeah, we too were annoyed at first when we found out about the restrictions on here just before we left for the Cape. But it's the minority that decides for the majority so until that changes we have no hope. For us personally we did notice a difference in Bamaga & Seisia "for the better" this time, less people on the streets looking hung over and more activity in the way of people working. We know from a "local" (he is white and is on some type of community council there) with whom we had a good indepth conversation with. He said that the women and kids are much happier with the restrictions, less violence and rapes. He also pointed out that if tourist were exempt then it puts them in danger of maybe getting their heads bashed in for their grog, something we never thought of. So, if that is what it is all about then we should support them. But like everything, there is a way to beat the restrictions and I'm sure some of them are doing it. We also heard in Weipa that Aurukun is not happy about their "dry" area situation and are looking into changing it. Should be interestiong to see how that progresses.
FollowupID: 329821

Reply By: Richard & Leonie - Monday, Jul 26, 2004 at 20:07

Monday, Jul 26, 2004 at 20:07
I understand where you are coming from about the cost of the ferry but if you take into consideration it also covers your permit and some camping fees it possibly is not too bad. Mind you the camp sites are bad and the facilities mostly deralict. I understand the local council has just applied for a govt. grant to upgrade the facilities at Umagico. Unfortunatly too late for us at we have just got back.
As far as alcohol is concerned perhaps some people need to check their lives if they are that hooked onto the stuff they cannot ease off for a couple of weeks. We introduced the stuff to a nation of people who have proved they cannot handle it. We do have a responsibility to help them. I like a beer and wine but do not think it is the end of the world if I do not have it. Yes, I know, lecturing again.
By the way on our way up we stopped at Nimbin for a look and cup of coffee. The coffee shop owner was complaining to us that there was a drug problem in town!!! After talking to them I realised they meant hard drugs not happy weed. It seems the kids have moved on from the "soft" stuff to the "hard" stuff. It seems that opinions on drugs are all relative.
AnswerID: 69766

Reply By: Tripp'n Around - Tuesday, Jul 27, 2004 at 20:56

Tuesday, Jul 27, 2004 at 20:56
Your coment is not worth a coment from me as you seem to judge people without knowing the facts.
AnswerID: 69958

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