Is that spelling right, ah
well...who cares. I would like to discuss the lack of respect 4wd stores have for A:Their competition. B:Themselves C:ME!!!
I shall also use this opportuniy to get REAL
I have, in the past 48 hours, been enquiring about upgrading my
suspension. Now doing this really hurts me coz the
suspension I have in my car is quite new. The Truck used to be an Ambulance, and has top quality everything added to it. However, when changing the
suspension, they softened the ride for the patients. Now it's fine when just cruisen for a day. But when packed with 180l fuel, 140l water, and everything else, it starts to sag a bit. Add some nice step ups to the equation and.... x/y=bottom out!
So with nice H.D. Koni shockies already on the car, I set about what I imagined to be,the relatively inexpensive exercise of replacing
the springs.
This is where it gets interesting, the Koni back shocks are equivalant to Factory, and the Front have 20mm extra travel.
SO...My question is...If I want to get a bit of a lift...just 50mm from normal, will these factory, and 20mm more than factory shocks suffice, or do I need to dig deeper into my pockets and come up with some long travel shocks.
This is where my whinge begins...I have called 5 different 4wd shops and I have, pretty much 5 different answers. They all bagged out what the others had said and told me that their oppositions product would fall apart after 10 mins. I am now rather annoyed and confused.
Coz I will be doing a year long trip in 5 mths, I need H.D springs on there, but I also want wheel travel and capability.
Here's what i came up with, rockcrawler rear springs, Front KING springs, and if need be...Tough Dog 45mm
bore adjustable Foam Cells.
I must say, that if you've read this far, then I already love you...If you'd like to gain my adoration, then your
feedback is appreciated.
Cheers PEEPS!!!