Submitted: Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 at 16:04
ThreadID: 15475 Views:3400 Replies:2 FollowUps:2
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hi all
hopeing some of you could give me some advise on rust proofing.
is there some good products out there!
i work on a prawn farm in queensland and since being here, im
getting some surface rust under the 4x4.
i have been told lano would help.
thanks johno!
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Reply By: Utemad - Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 at 16:17

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 at 16:17
When I got my 1997 Rodeo in 2000. I had it rust proofed. Had zilch rust then and none now.

I got the standard sort of chemical rust proofing done.

However about 1 week before any beach trip I have always given the underbody a thorough coat of lanolin. I also do any metal I find in the vehicle that is not rustproofed including under the floor mats and in the door jams that you can't see when doors are closed.

This Rodeo is a veteran of too many beach trips to remember and I can asure you it has absolutely no rust in it. I also give it a very good wash when I get home.

Nowadays when I wash the underneath of my Rodeo, the water runs straight off it as there is such a buildup of lanolin. I still spray every trip though as some gets sandblasted off on the beach.

I cannot recommend lanolin highly enough.

AnswerID: 72159

Follow Up By: ev700 - Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 at 18:45

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2004 at 18:45
I use lanolin on the boat trailer and it works fine. Needs regular application. Trailer gets good wash downs. Lanolin would be a bit smelly in the vehicle though.

Do you spray all areas of engine bay? What do you use to get at all areas underneath?
FollowupID: 332370

Follow Up By: Utemad - Thursday, Aug 12, 2004 at 07:46

Thursday, Aug 12, 2004 at 07:46
The lanolin does smell like sheep in the cabin at first but the smell goes away quite quickly. As far as rust proofing goes you can have much worse smells.
The engine bay had some sort of clear silicone sprayed on it in the rust proofing process so the large areas I don't spray. Only the crevices and brackets, under the batteries etc where rust could develop were I couldn't see.
A for getting to places under the vehicle, I use a pump spray pack ($1 from K-mart or you can buy Lanolin in one nowadays). I also have a little flexy extension pipe you can put on the end of the nozzle to get into those hard to reach places.

As the lanolin is thin, I give it a good wipe over with a rag to spread it around.

FollowupID: 332446

Reply By: johno! - Thursday, Aug 12, 2004 at 15:36

Thursday, Aug 12, 2004 at 15:36
thankyou utemad your reply has been very helpfull i will go out and get me some lanolin and give the hilux a good spray.

AnswerID: 72301

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