Noisy Snorkel fitted to 89 Hilux Duel Cab
Submitted: Monday, Aug 26, 2002 at 00:00
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Member - Terry
I have just had a
Snorkel Fitted to my old faithful Hilux Twin Cab Diesel and am taken back by the noise. It is that loud that I can't hear myself think. The sound is not constant, however it appears to that it resonates at particular loads. Actually it reminds me of some of my early attempts to drive the neighbours nuts with
my home made extractors and resonators. This occured when I was very much younger than at this present time. I feel that it may coming from the, " what ever it is that Toyota has installed under the guard". Can anyone come up with any easy fix please?
Reply By: Yo Sam - Monday, Aug 26, 2002 at 00:00
Monday, Aug 26, 2002 at 00:00
I have a 97 hilux and when my
snorkel was fitted the same thing happened. After a month I took it back becuase the noise was driving me crazy and the guy that fitted it said safari has just come out with a metal washer that went at the top of the
snorkel where the air breather meets the
snorkel chimney (sorry about the terms) that seamed to lessen the noise. Hope this helps.
Reply By: Duncan - Tuesday, Aug 27, 2002 at 00:00
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2002 at 00:00
I had the same problem with my old lux. Have a look at the
top of the windscreen pillar where the snorkle is attached, from
memory there is three bolts, these bolts were hitting the pillar
and making a great racket. I placed some soft foam padding between
these bolts and the pillar and this solved my problem.
Follow Up By: Member - Terry - Tuesday, Aug 27, 2002 at 00:00
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2002 at 00:00
Duncan/Yo Sam,
Thanks for your reply to my problem.
Duncan, I have tried the "padding out" with little sucess and feel that the problem is more likely to be either under the guard or between there and the flexable hose to the main filter. I say that because this evening I held the Flex hose with a towel and the resonance receeded. I will post a notice when I remedy the problem or given up because of total deathness.
Yo Sam, I have removed the Intake from the
Snorkel and held the remaining tube tightly with my hand hopeing to deaden the resonance, however I had no success. Back to the drawing board guys until I fix the BLOODY thing.
Thanks again guys.