Patrol GQ steering wheel
Submitted: Wednesday, Aug 28, 2002 at 00:00
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I have a 1990 GQ. The steering wheel is worn with the hard vinyl outer cracking and flaking off the softer padding. Furthermore, the soft padding is separating from the steel core!
I'm told that a Pulsar steering wheel is a drop-in replacement (it's a little smaller, which would be desirable, too). But which model? Do you know?
With thanks in anticipation,
Reply By: Stevo - Wednesday, Aug 28, 2002 at 00:00
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2002 at 00:00
Kevin, if you don't have any luck with the Pulsar fix, a simple remedy is to contact a concrete treatment & or repair business who should be able to give you a "sample" free of cost (if you are a sweet talker) of a very low viscousity 2 part epoxy resin that the industry uses to inject into cracks in concrete. Now here's the trick. Get a 20ml syringe and 20 gauge needle from your local pharmacist, mix the resin, suck it into the syringe and inject it into the steel core in several areas, making sure you have an old towel to catch the drips. Leave 12 hours, fit a steering wheel cover and "Bob's your uncle". Worked a treat for my old GQ.
Reply By: GPA - Wednesday, Aug 28, 2002 at 00:00
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2002 at 00:00
I have a 92 GQ with exactly the same problem. If it is like
mine, the seperation is at the top of the steering wheel. As Stevo has suggested, just get a syringe (with needle) and inject glue into the core about every 2 - 3cm. I used superglue, and by turning the wheel 180 degrees, you can inject 'downwards' and allow gravity to draw it down. It's best if you push the needle in as far as you can (till you hit the steel core) and then pull it back a mm or so, to allow the glue out. It worked OK for me - cost next to nothing, and took 10 minutes (allowing it to dry overnight).
Reply By: Yonnee - Thursday, Aug 29, 2002 at 00:00
Thursday, Aug 29, 2002 at 00:00
Kevin, I work for an autObarn and have a listing on which models are compatible. I know there are a few Nissans that are interchangeable.
Same thing happened to a guy I know on his GQ, was quoted $800.00 for a new genuine one. His solution... $170 on a nice new leather
sports steering wheel and around $70 for a boss kit (the part that adapts all aftermarket steering wheels to the particular vehicle you're
wanting to fit it to). Just swapped my Momo steering wheel from my Commodore to my wifes/OUR new NH Pajero. Much nicer to steer
with and it only required a change of boss kit from the Holden to the Mitsubishi. (But I do miss the Momo on my Commodore!) However,
it does mean that if you spend good money on a nice wheel, you can take it with you to your next car. That is unless you update to
something with an airbag, then you can't change it.
Reply By: Yonnee - Friday, Aug 30, 2002 at 00:00
Friday, Aug 30, 2002 at 00:00
Just to follow-up, some research I did at work today. The following vehicles are listed as having the same boss kit number for
fitment of an aftermarket sports steering wheel, so in theory these wheels are interchangeable. Pulsar 83-91, Exa (except turbo coupe),
NX Coupe, R31 Skyline, Pintara, Gazelle, Vector, GQ Patrol, 300ZX, Pathfinder, Navara to 97 and Silvia to 92. Hope this helps, Yonnee.